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  1. 2018年2月1日 · What Is a Yutampo? If you're looking for an economical way to keep warm this winter season, you've got to get your hands on a Japanese hot water bottle, or yutampo. This Japanese "hottie" comes in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials, and—because it's Japan—pairs well with either practical or adorable covers.

  2. 2016年6月17日 · A carbon dioxide spring ( nisanka-tanso ensen) has at least 100 milligrams of carbonic acid per kilogram of spring water, resulting in a fine froth on the surface. While relatively rare in Japan, these springs are said to help with cuts, burns, arteriosclerosis and hypertension, as well as lowering blood pressure as your blood vessels expand.

  3. 2020年12月22日 · Heat Packs (Hokkairo) Hokkairo, or just kairo, are warm pads or packs that can be placed under clothing for temporary relief from the cold. There are many types available, each with a unique shape and function. This includes the sticky haru hokkairo to put on your clothing, ones for under your feet, or ones to wear over your face while resting.

  4. 日本酒是日本的國酒,亦是其民族眾多璀璨文化中的一支,正如中國的酒文化,日本的酒文化一直在各自民族的歷史長河裡,融入各自的文化底蘊中。日本學者坂口謹一郎在其著作《日本的酒》中提到,作為日本人飲食文化之一的日本酒,可以稱得上是日本的一大藝術創作。筆者在這裡,將帶大家來 ...

  5. 2019年7月8日 · 老漢在中目黑高架橋下吃完LONCAFE早午餐後,就開始這一天的中目黑、代官山、惠比壽散步旅行,從LONCAFE往後走大約2分鐘就可以看到目黑川了。這附近的氣氛幽靜,車少人也少,隨便走都覺得很舒服。而且現在照片中看到的枯枝,其實都是櫻花樹,很難想像在櫻花季的時候,這邊會有多美!

  6. 2017年11月14日 · Nestled in the mountains of Yamanashi Prefecture, the Suntory Hakushu Distillery will walk you through every step of the whisky-making process—with ample tastings to follow!

  7. 在日本,使用琴酒為基底調出的雞尾酒越來越常見,甚至有許多酒廠會使用自己調配的香草釀製成獨具特色的琴酒。2017年可以說是日本琴酒蓬勃發展的一年,有許多知名酒廠發表新琴酒產品,像是京都的琴酒釀製所推出的「季之美」、三得利推出的以六種日本特色香草釀製的「ROKU」等,都很有自己 ...

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