雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 周深 演唱的歌曲"門".電視劇"花間令"主題曲.改編成鋼琴獨奏版,和弦盡量貼近原曲,本琴譜難易度上屬中等偏難,此曲是e小調. 旋律及和聲進行都稍複雜,和聲外音多,伴奏型態多元,和弦重複性高,聽熟原曲有助學會彈奏.琴譜兩版共10頁(a小調放在前面(無轉調)),您可以只列印您需要的那5頁.這份琴譜提供的 ...

  2. 整體曲速快, 主要難度都在右手, 左手伴奏型態差不多, 但有不少地方踏板都需特別做控制, 可以參考我的踏板提示, 一些琶音及音階過難可以自行修改或刪減~ 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持!

  3. 陳奕迅 - 富士山下 (愛情轉移主題曲) This page shows 1 page sample along with sheet music player. Full sheet music contains 4 pages. Format of sheet music file is pdf. SPECIAL OFFER and DISCOUNT! Sheet items in cart Up to 2, POINTS 5% OFF. Up to 3, POINTS 10% OFF. Up to 5, 20% OFF.

  4. Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference. 整體曲速普通, 情感變化蠻豐富的, 該做漸強及大小聲變化

  5. Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference. 歌曲速度慢至快, 一開始主旋律在左手,右手聲音要控制

  6. 2007年3月30日 · Full sheet music contains 6 pages. Format of sheet music file is pdf. Sheet Uploader. Uploaded at:. 2007-03-30. Class:. 神的道路高過人的路,神的意念高過人的意念,祂的心理有藍圖,祂的時間不錯誤,一步一步帶領你前途~~耐心等待必要歡呼!. Sheet music player not working?

  7. 整體曲速快, 速度完全可以根據自己的技術和熟練度, 做滾動式調整, 不少地方指法較難彈, 可以放慢影片參考我的指法, 踏板在部分地方也蠻需要控制的, 右下角有踏板提示可以參考~ 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持!

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