雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年3月3日 · Tadao Ando's Library in Osaka Is Off the Wall. Spoon & Tamago Updated March 10, 2020. Design. www.spoon-tamago.com. A new library, Nakanoshima Children’s Book Forest, opened in Osaka designed specifically for children. The space is filled, wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling, with outward-facing books.

  2. 2020年9月16日 · The Tokyo Toilet project continues to make progress with the latest designer public restroom by Tadao Ando (previously) opening last week. Ando’s design features a circular floorplan with a spanning roof and engawa which, in Japanese architecture, is an edging strip of space on the outside of the building that occupies an area in between the ...

  3. 其他像是照片這款香蕉磅蛋糕也相當美味,札實的蛋糕體加上一點都不厚重的鮮奶油,看似簡單卻超好味,搭配一杯咖啡拿鐵就是很棒的下午茶時光了。說道這裡的人氣招牌咖啡拿鐵,就不得不提及那細緻的奶泡與職人級拉花,與濃醇的咖啡拼湊著完美的和諧,建議第一次入店的旅人,一定要點一杯 ...

  4. 立山黑部有兩個入口:「立山」和「扇澤」,多半旅客為了看室的大雪壁,選擇從立山出發者較多,但先前有導覽員告知,若想要親眼欣賞水庫洩洪時水花如霧般飛舞下經陽光照耀所形成的七彩弧線,還是需早上11點前抵達較有機會,於是本次一早從名古屋出發,耗費3小時40分鐘的交通時間(不論 ...

  5. 佛教的宗教設施為「寺院」,入口為「山門」,進入山門後就進入了聖域。寺院的參道通常並無需靠邊走的說法,但有少數地方有特殊規定。通過參道後來到「本」,本又分內陣及外陣,內陣為擺放佛像的地方,外陣即為信眾或參列者列席的場地。入口山門兩旁有「金剛力士」像,用以抵禦外敵 ...

  6. 据说在江户时代曾有一座「辻口门」就设置在这条「承天寺通」上,是当时博多的重要出入口。 近年来,在地方观光产业的推动之下,透过官民齐心的公募方式,于2014年设置了这座作为迎宾的「博多千年门」 ,期望透过这座门引导造访博多的旅客,认识博多的历史文化。

  7. 2020年9月9日 · Ancient Ukiyo-e Battle Comes to Life. Artist Onogawa's 1-Centimeter-Wide Origami. In 2019, German photographer Ronny Behnert traveled around Japan visiting various torii gates. And while everyone who visits Japan surely has countless torii pictures, his long-exposure photos are like something from another world.