雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Input the bank account number (excluding bank code) Note: Same as the one you registered in your betting account. 2. Swipe your ATM card. 3. Input ATM PIN and press <ENTER>. 4. Choose your own 8-digit HKJC EFT PIN and press <ENTER>. 5. Keep the registration number on the slip for future instant online funds transfer use.

  2. Funds transfer made between 09:00am and 03:00am of the following day will be available in 30 minutes in general. Instructions made outside the period will be processed at 9:00am. Deposit Available Time Table. Minimum deposit amount: HK$100. Maximum limit: HK$1,000,000 per day (customers can set own daily maximum amount)

  3. 1 2. 郭子猷的從騎生涯長達30年,曾奪得13屆冠軍騎師榮銜,並且六度打破場地紀錄。 正式而言,他只是業餘騎師(香港賽馬於1971年轉為職業化),但由於經常上陣出賽,大概早已視騎馬為正職。 正因為他是業餘騎師,所以可擁有馬匹。 不過,他亦以演員、保險經紀和承建商為業。 郭子猷在日本神戶巿出生,其原籍廣東的父親在當地經營餐館,母親則是日本人。 他於1937年初次來港,其後在澳門首度出賽便贏得頭馬,後於1941年開始在港策騎。 歷年以來,在香港眾多著名騎師之中,郭子猷可算是最早成名的一位。 在香港來說,騎師的知名度向來均可與電影明星媲美,時至今日仍是如此。

  4. 登記注意事項. 客戶可選擇綁定一個或兩個銀行戶口以作轉賬之用。. 「銀行戶口一」 可作即時存款及提款。. 「銀行戶口二」只可用作即時存款。. *請確保你的銀行賬戶於轉賬前有足夠款項。. 若銀行拒絕該轉賬,閣下之銀行或會根據其條款收取服務費用,馬會 ...

  5. HKJC Super Funds Transfer Service Demonstration Logon to Bank of China (Hong Kong) Internet Banking Service Select "Bill Payment" > "HKJC Super Funds Transfer Service" Select the registered Bank Account Input the funds deposit amount Click "Confirm ...

  6. HKJC FPS instant Funds Transfer is an instant funds transfer service through Faster Payment System (FPS). Any HKJC betting account customer with a registered Nominated Bank Account* is eligible for HKJC FPS registration. Please make sure that your registered mobile phone number for HKJC and your bank must be the same.

  7. Renovation of Members Main Entrance in Sha Tin Racecourse to Enhance Entry Experience To provide Owners, Members, and guests with exceptional customer-centric services, The Hong Kong Jockey Club (“the Club”) will install a brand-new iconic canopy in front ...