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  1. 5 天前 · 鈔票正面是位於中環的渣打銀行大廈與渣打財富管理中心,寓意屹立於香港近160年的渣打銀行與香港並肩同行,致力為香港人服務。 幾何切割背景的靈感來自渣打財富管理中心的玻璃幕牆設計,中央部分的渣打銀行商標依據不同主題採用不同圖案,與背面設計一脈相承。

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  3. 2024年4月16日 · Technical, business, interpersonal & wellness training. Future skills development workshops & career mapping strategies. Targeted learning curriculums, across a variety of delivery modes. Inspiring thought leadership engagements and speaker events with Senior Executives. Exposure and networking opportunities across matrixed business at all levels.

  4. Move your money in 30 seconds with FAST via Standard Chartered Mobile or Online Banking anytime, anywhere. *FAST transfers are only available for Singapore dollar account transfers in Singapore between the 19 participating banks. Credit card funds transfer - Use your credit card as a cash advance facility to transfer funds easily between your ...

  5. 2 天前 · All employees in Singapore gets 3 volunteering days a year to volunteer in the local community. We offer benefits and resources that support our employees’ physical, mental and social well-being. We offer 20-weeks parental leave for new fathers and mothers & adoptive parents. Women represented more than 30% of senior leadership roles in ...

  6. 1 天前 · 您只要申辦代扣繳服務,就可以每月輕鬆由活存帳戶自動扣款繳納您的帳單費用!您只需要做一次簡單的設定,就可以每月由活存帳戶自動扣款繳納您的帳單費用,舉凡水電費、電話費、瓦斯費、信用卡帳單費用,都可以輕鬆設定。不僅不用再掛念要去繳費,也免除忘記繳款的風險,為忙碌工作無暇 ...

  7. Please click here for terms and conditions. Standard Chartered SME Banking's Straight2Bank online banking service offers a customisable suite of user-friendly tools for cash management, local and international payments, trade and payroll transactions and foreign exchange transactions and more.