雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年5月31日 · UNESCO listed the sites as World Heritage in 1999. The sites are Futarasan Shrine, Tosho-gu Shrine (where shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu is enshrined) and Rinno-ji Temple. The Nikko area is famous in Japan for its beautiful natural landscapes as well, which provide serene scenery to its famous sites. 3.

  2. 2017年12月21日 · Historical. Hakone Shrine: Home of the Nine-Headed Serpent. Michael Kanert Updated December 21, 2017. Shrines Hakone Temples & Shrines Greater Tokyo Kanagawa Kanto. pixta.jp. The Hakone hot spring resort region is centered on Mount Hakone (箱根山・Hakone-yama), a massive, multi-peaked volcano with a crater lake in its southern corner. Hakone Shrine.

  3. 2018年1月23日 · In the Spring of 1689, Matsuo Basho—the most famous poet in Japanese history—embarked on a bold and dangerous journey into Japan’s Oku, the wild and ungoverned deep north. Written in a combination of prose and haiku, Basho’s account of his journey, Oku no Hosomichi (The Narrow Road to the Deep North) became one of the major texts of ...

  4. 2018年2月19日 · 8. Visit the power spots in Hakozaki Gu Shrine. Hakozaki Shrine, located right beside the Hakata Bay, is one of the Three Major Hachiman Shrines of Japan along with the Usa Jingu Shrine in Oita prefecture and Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine in Kyoto prefecture. The shrine was founded in the year 923 and is known to have various power spots within ...

  5. 2017年11月1日 · Surviving the test of time, these 12 so-called "original construction" castles are the cream of the crop. 12. Marugame Castle (Marugame City, Kagawa, ☆☆☆☆) Ikoma Chikamasa, the lord of the Sanuki area (present-day Kagawa Prefecture), originally ruled from Takamatsu Castle. While there, he built and moved to Marugame Castle, placing his ...

  6. 2019年11月1日 · 这座坐落于兵库县的洁白城池,躲开了战火直接的摧残,在她身上仿佛看不见岁月的痕迹,经过600多年依旧如少女一般伫立,温柔拥抱着她所看顾的城市。城墙上的每一处痕迹都代表时代的更迭,而天守阁顶端的风景也绝对不会愧对你远道而来的千辛万苦,特别推荐给喜爱历史与文化的朋友!

  7. 2017年5月6日 · 素有「日本最后的秘境」之称的立山黑部,位于日本中部,其磅礴的气势令人联想起欧洲的阿尔卑斯山,故在日本,人们习惯称之为“阿尔卑斯山”。1956年,关西电力公司耗资513亿日元,动用1000万人力,历时7年在立山黑部山脉中海拔1454米处建成了高186米、长492米、总蓄水量达2亿吨的穹顶型拱坝 ...

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