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  1. Wealth Management Connect Smart Guide - Standard Chartered

  2. 2022年4月27日 · 俄烏戰爭絕對是近期投資市場最大的黑天鵝,渣打銀行財富管理處投資策略部主管劉家豪表示,面對愈來愈嚴厲的西方制裁動作,原本因為疫情造成的供應鏈中斷狀況將更為加劇,由於俄羅斯及烏克蘭均為全球重要原物料與農產品生產國,俄烏戰爭已造成相關商品價格飆漲。 包括Fed與主要國家央行為了抑制飆升的通膨所祭出升息等緊縮措施,是現階段全球經濟面臨的最大風險。 從通膨指標「核心個人消費支出」 (PCE)觀察,美國2月PCE年增率已達6.4%,續創40年來最大增幅,扣除能源、食品價格等波動較大的核心PCE物價指數年增5.4%,同創近40年來最大增幅,顯見通膨不僅不見降溫,且日漸高漲。

  3. Affluent. HK$62,000. per month. Another simple way to calculate retirement cost is to apply The rule of 300^. Simply take your current monthly expenses and multiply that amount by 300. The amount you get is how much you'll need to have saved to keep living the lifestyle you currently live when you retire.

  4. Evergreen Wealth Income Plus. Regular premium for long-term monthly income and legacy planning. The plan gives you the opportunity for a steady return backed by a guaranteed cash value and a non-guaranteed terminal dividend.

  5. 2023年7月12日 · News Release: 19 July 2023. Standard Chartered Jersey helps tackle inequality and promote inclusivity amongst young people around the world, by walking and running a combined total of more than 1,300km.

  6. 2022年8月3日 · After registration of “Username” and “Password”, you can login to “Credit Card Online” or “Standard Chartered Online Banking”, to see your credit card details such as transaction history, payment due date, amount and 360° Reward Points, subscribe for/view your credit card eStatements and set up SMS alerts. If you need to access ...

  7. How evolving regulations are transforming cross-border treas…. The shifting regulatory environment is impacting cash management and payments functions, presenting treasury tea…. Read Standard Chartered's expert opinions and banking insights on a selection of hot topics shaping the future of the banking world.

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