雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 安聯環球投資基金作為UCITS規例下的傘子型基金,旗下設有投資於固定收益證券、股票及金融衍生工具的多個不同附屬基金,每一附屬基金各具不同的投資目標及/或風險取向. 所有附屬基金 (「附屬基金」)可投資於金融衍生工具,會涉及較高的槓桿、交易對手、流通性、估值、波幅、市場及場外交易風險。 附屬基金的衍生工具風險承擔淨額最多為其資產淨值的50%。 部份附屬基金的部份投資亦可投資於任何一項工具或工具的組合,例如固定收益證券、新興市場證券及/或按揭證券、資產擔保證券、房地產相關資產(尤其是房地產投資信託基金)及/或結構產品及/或衍生工具,該工具可能會涉及不同潛在風險(包括槓桿、交易對手、流通性、估值、波幅、市場、相關房地產價值及租金收入波動及場外交易風險)。

  2. hk.allianzgi.com › en › retailOur firm - AllianzGI

    We have EUR 533 billion in assets under management for institutional and retail investors worldwide. We offer equity, fixed-income, private market and multi-asset strategies. Our expertise ranges from the developed world to emerging markets, from single-country to global strategies, and from thematic to sector portfolios.

  3. Risk management has become a top consideration for Hong Kong citizens in their retirement investment planning. According to our Allianz Global Investors Retirement Confidence Survey conducted in July 2020, the majority of respondents expect their retirement investment portfolio to effectively reduce market risks. As many as 60% of respondents.

  4. hk.allianzgi.com › en › retailWhy Partner With Us

    Active is: Putting clients front and centre Our focus is on you. Deep, long-term relationships with clients are fundamental to our success, and always have been. It’s the Allianz Global Investors way. Build, and keep building. And this commitment stems from one of ...

  5. Our history. Allianz Global Investors was established as a dedicated asset management business in 1998. Since then, we’ve grown into one of the world’s leading active asset managers. Our focus on clients – whom we consider our investment partners – has been the guiding principle throughout the major phases of our history.

  6. 29/04/2020. Summary. Preferred securities, or preferreds, play a unique role in investment portfolios while occupying a special place in corporate capital structures. These hybrids feature characteristics of both stocks and bonds, making them an attractive complement to “pure” equity and debt securities.

  7. 匯粹企業債券 + 可換股債券 +股票 三大資產類別,精挑潛在收益及資本 增長雙重機遇。. 目錄. 42022年:市場展望. 5寰通收益及增長策略:揉合三大資產類別. 6資產#1 – 美國股票:尋求韌性. 7透過備兌認購期權:策略性減低波幅. 9資產#2 – 可換股債券:兼具債券 ...