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    • 1. [Textile] canvas; sailcloth; duck

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  3. 帆布. canvas uk / ˈkæn.vəs/ us / ˈkæn.vəs/ noun. strong, rough cloth used for making tents, sails, bags, strong clothes, etc.

  4. "帆布褲" 英文翻譯: duck "帆布筐" 英文翻譯: skate "帆布簾" 英文翻譯: canvas curtain "帆布面" 英文翻譯: canvas cover "帆布幕" 英文翻譯: canvas screen "帆布棚" 英文翻譯: booth "帆布篷" 英文翻譯: tilt "帆布坯" 英文翻譯: grey canvas "帆布匹

  5. (a large piece of) heavy waterproof cloth used as a covering. 粗帆布背包. haversack uk / ˈhæv.ə.sæk/ us / ˈhæv.ɚ.sæk/ noun old-fashioned. a bag, often made from strong, rough cloth, with one or two shoulder straps. (帆布在Cambridge Chinese (Simplified)-English Dictionary的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) 瀏覽. 反保护主义者. 范本. 反比例. 反驳. 帆布. 反布尔什维主义. 饭菜. 翻唱. 反常.

  6. 帆布的英文單字英文翻譯及用法sailcloth帆布; 厚帆布;duck鴨子,野鴨; 鴨肉; (表示友好的稱呼)乖乖; (板球)零分;sacking口袋布,制袋子用的粗麻布,帆布(等於sackcloth); 厚紙袋,塑料袋;canvas帆布; 油畫(布);。

  7. 帆布 in English - Cambridge Dictionary. Translation of 帆布 – Mandarin Chinese–English dictionary. 帆布. canvas uk / ˈkæn.vəs/ us / ˈkæn.vəs/ noun. strong, rough cloth used for making tents, sails, bags, strong clothes, etc. 柏油帆布. tarpaulin uk / tɑːˈpɔː.lɪn/ us / tɑːrˈpɑː.lɪn/ noun. (a large piece of) heavy waterproof cloth used as a covering. 篷帆布.

  8. Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction. 帆布 () canvas (often used) less common: sailcloth. Examples: 帆布鞋 — canvas shoes. See also: 帆 n — sail n. See more examples • See alternative translations. See alternative translations. © Linguee Dictionary, 2024. External sources (not reviewed)

  9. Canvas is strong heavy cloth used for making tents, sails, and bags. ...a canvas bag. 美式英语: canvas / ˈkænvəs / 阿拉伯语: خَيْش. 巴西葡萄牙语: lona. 简体中文: 帆布. 克罗地亚语: platno. 捷克语: plátno. 丹麦语: lærred. 荷兰语: zeildoek. 欧洲西班牙语: lona. 芬兰语: öljykangas. 法语: toile peinture. 德语: Segeltuch. 希腊语: καμβάς. 意大利语: tela. 日语: キャンバス. 韩语: 캔버스. 挪威语: lerret. 波兰语: płótno malowanie.

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