雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 5月 與日本黃金周假期一起展開一系列祭典活動。. 每到綠化節(5月4日),東京的部分公園或庭園會免費開放參觀;隔天的兒童節(5月5日)則隨處可見色彩繽紛的鯉魚旗。. 6月 逐漸變得悶熱起來。. 梅雨季節到來,但東京並不是每天都陰雨連綿。. 您可以到啤酒 ...

  2. 2024-5-18 - 2024-5-19. Updated: April 9, 2024. 本活動將整個神樂坂街頭化為表演舞台,能夠在此接觸到代表日本的各種傳統藝能。 不論是新手還是老手,在與神樂坂淵源甚深的傳統藝能當中,活躍於第一線的各色表演者都將齊聚一堂。 屆時會舉辦三味線、琴(日本豎琴)及尺八等的現場演奏,還有傳統說書藝術和諸多浪曲,以及藝伎的宴會遊戲、印章集集樂等精彩節目。 請在新式與傳統相融合的神樂阪,感受江戶時代(1603-1867)的情懷和優雅脫俗的日本文化。 東京都中心. 神樂坂. 關鍵詞. 5月. 春. 開放時間. ※具體參加方法請參閱官方網站。 關於舉辦狀況、時間及費用等最新資訊,請至各活動官方網站查詢。 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京都中心 > 神樂坂 >

  3. 2023年11月21日 · 東京都文京區後樂1-3-61 東京巨蛋城全區. 2023-11-21 - 2024-2-29. Updated: March 1, 2024. ※2023年的活動已結束。. 今年東京巨蛋城將以「笑(SHOW)」為出題舉辦霓虹燈飾「TOKYO DOME CITY 笑(SHOW)霓虹燈飾」活動。. 巨蛋城內有些區域會有人氣搞笑藝人帶來的表演,屆時將為 ...

    • January
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    Kanda Myojin Shrine hosts the Daikoku Festival, which is held close to Coming-of-Age Day, a holiday held in honor of those who are turning 18 that year. A Shinto dancer dressed as Daikoku, the deity of fortune, greets new adults by shaking his lucky mallet above their heads. You can also buy a daruma doll, a lucky charm said to make wishes come tru...

    Setsubun is a traditional event held across Japan marking the end of winter, where you throw beans to cast out evil spirits and bring in good fortune. Throwing the beans at the "demons" (people in masks and/or costumes) is an activity children across Japan love. For a great Setsubun event, visit Okunitama Shrine, Sensoji Temple, or Zojoji Temple. I...

    Visit Mt. Takao in western Tokyo for the Fire-Walking Festival, where barefooted monks chant and walk atop a path of smoldering embers. March also marks the beginning of cherry blossom season, which means cherry blossom festivals all the way into early April. Some big ones include the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival, the Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festiva...

    In April, spring gets into full swing. Cherry blossom festivals continue into early April, when the petals begin falling from the trees in droves. This is the quintessential Japanese image of ephemeral beauty. The annual Meiji Jingu Spring Grand Festival, held from late April through early May, features presentations of traditional performing arts ...

    Kanda-Matsuri Festival, a grand six-day celebration, is considered one of Japan's three greatest festivals. This religious festival is centered on Kanda Myojin Shrine, and it features huge processions of mikoshi (portable shrines) and floats. Massive crowds turn out to celebrate this epic event. The "Honmatsuri," or main festival, is held every oth...

    The biggest traditional festival on June's calendar is the historic Sanno Masturi in Asakusa, considered to be one of Japan's three great festivals. The festivities last 11 days, and every day offers something new. As summer kicks off, you could head to the Hachioji region of Tokyo for the Fussa Hotaru (Firefly) Festival to witness fireflies dancin...

    Japan has some amazing fireworks festivals. One of the most well-known is the Sumida River Fireworks Festival in Ryogoku. Thousands upon thousands of fireworks of all colors, shapes and styles, launched from multiple spots around the neighborhood, fill the skies for close to two hours. Consider getting there early to claim a good spot. Tokyo has lo...

    August is Bon season in Japan, and countless Bon-odori festivals will be held in every neighborhood of the city. One large Bon festival with a long history is the Tsukiji Hongwanji Bon Odori, held at Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple. The annual festival of Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine, also known as the Fukagawa Hachiman Festival, is held around August 15. It...

    Head to the Nezu-jinja Shrine for their major annual Reitaisai festival in September. Said to have been established in 1714, it currently features traditional dance performances and street stalls. Other festivals include the Fukuro Matsuri in Ikebukuro and the Shinagawa Shukuba Matsuri in Shinagawa. A large-scale parade brings the community togethe...

    You can enjoy a variety of evening events in October. Check out the Mori no Takigi Noh in Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. A special firelit Noh performance is put on in the park, which is normally closed during the evenings. At the Ikegami Honmonji Temple Oeshiki Ceremony, a procession of tall lanterns marks the anniversary of the passing of Nichir...

  4. 2024年3月10日 · Updated: April 1, 2024. ※2024年的活動已結束。. 中野跑步節是舒暢地穿梭奔馳中野區標誌“四季森林公園”的跑步活動。. 不僅歡迎初跑者、專業跑者等共襄盛舉,也非常歡迎啦啦隊伍的參與。. 會中有眾多本地店鋪駐店的豐富多彩的餐飲攤位,以及可以闔家快樂參與 ...

  5. 2023年5月17日 · 螢火蟲祭. 螢火蟲只棲息於乾淨的水邊,但如果運氣好且有適當的條件,在東京也能觀賞。. 八王子的「 晚霞籠罩之小村莊 」自6月中旬至下旬會舉辦「螢火蟲之夜」。. 距離市區再近一點的地方,則有主題樂園「 讀賣樂園 」的螢火蟲鑑賞會。. 而福生市的 ...

  6. 2021年10月,榮獲米其林指南必比登推介的京都名店「Vegan Ramen UZU」進軍東京,在teamLab Planets內開設了分店,讓顧客可在藝術作品的環繞下,享用完全不使用動物性食材的純素拉麵。. 此外,這裡也提供專屬於東京店的限定餐點。. teamLab Planets位於臨海地區的豐洲 ...