雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年2月27日 · 参加过中国著名电视节目《脱口秀大会》第三季以及《奇葩说》的Norah Yang,最初因用英语回怼一名其他族裔脱口秀演员刻板印象的段子引发众人喝彩,从此进入脱口秀行业。 在英语、上海话和普通话之间来回切换表演,让Norah对于多语言的使用深有体会。 她在接受SBS普通话节目记者采访时表示,切换成英语表演就好比切换了一种人格,因此讲述的内容和幽默的点都会有所不同。 中国上海著名脱口秀演员门腔。 Credit: supplied. 与Norah不同的是,曾就职于人力资源部门的门腔以一人分饰多角,扮演职场系列故事而走红。 他饰演的女性角色HR辛西娅在一众角色中脱颖而出,吸粉无数,并以一己之力带火了上海方言词汇“巴子”,成为百万打工人的嘴替。 “我喜欢用幽默和人建立连接。 ”门腔坦言。

  2. Learn more. Inked. Comedy, Drama. 1 season English. Jiayue, who recently moved from China to Aotearoa, struggles with the medical degree her father wants her to do. Instead, she tries to pursue her dream of being a professional tattooist under her father's roof. Start Here. Episode 1. 18m.

    • Free
    • 2024年05月31日
    • Lisa Zhang, Jess Hong, Melissa Xiao
    • 2022年06月01日
  3. 2024年4月23日 · "Set in a world of street hustlers and heavy hitters, Swift Street's propulsive storytelling is the blast of fresh air Australian crime drama needs" - Screenhub. "A thrilling crime drama promising addictive action, stellar new talent, and a win for representation" -Missing Perspectives.

  4. 被通緝8名已逃往海外並涉嫌違反《港區國安法》的人士,包括時事評論員弓夷外,還有目前在南澳的前香港立法會議員許峯、持澳洲籍的任建峰、郭鳳儀、郭榮鏗、蒙兆達、劉祖廸、羅冠聰。 瀏覽更多最新時事資訊,請登上. SBS 廣東話 Facebook 專頁. 、 MeWe 專頁. 、 Twitter 專頁. ,或訂閱. Telegram 頻道. 。 SBS 中文堅守. 《SBS 行為守則》及《SBS 編採指引》 ,以繁體中文及簡體中文提供公平、公正、準確的新聞報道及時事資訊。 SBS 廣東話及 SBS 普通話均已為大眾服務超過 40 年。 歡迎在每天早上 9 至 11 時透過. SBS Radio 1. 收聽廣東話節目及在每天早上 7 至 9 時收聽普通話節目,或透過.

  5. Jack (Shayne Ward) at work, singing in the first episode of 'The Good Ship Murder'. Credit: Clapperboard Studios. He finds himself embroiled in each gruesome case and while he may no longer be a detective, he quickly falls back into old habits. It seems the prospect of solving a good murder mystery proves too exciting for him to ignore.

  6. The actor, who plays whip-smart, no-nonsense Elsie in the Melbourne-filmed drama, talks why she loved the script, her talented co-stars and why it's important to see more people of colour on ...

  7. 2024年4月4日 · In the heart-wrenching first episode of the new season, acclaimed chef and TV personality Manu Feildel travels back to France to discover generations of culinary excellence in his mother’s family and reconnects with his father in an emotional reunion.