雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Kwiksure is a leading insurance broker that works with over 60 top insurance companies from around the world to consistently deliver the highest quality insurance products and services to individuals, families, groups, and companies in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific region.

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
    • How Many Electric Car Chargers Are Available in Hong Kong
    • Where to Find Ev Charging Stations
    • Hong Kong Government's Electric Vehicle Policies
    • Tesla Expands Its Supercharger Network in Hong Kong
    • Electric Car Charger Installation Process and Costs

    The Environmental Protection Department claims that as of June 2021, Hong Kong provides a total of 4,362 EV charging stations for public use. These include 2,000 semi-quick charging stations and 702 quick-charging stations. Based on the Transport Department's number of registered electric cars as of May 2021, right now, there is a total of about 21...

    CLP Power

    CLPhas set up 54 semi-quick and quick EV chargers across major areas in Kowloon, New Territories, and Lantau, providing a total of 161 chargers. It will offer free EV charging services until the end of 2021.

    HK Electric

    HK Electricoffers free-to-use electric car chargers in various districts on Hong Kong Island. These include a total of 12 multi-purpose chargers, semi-quick, and quick charging stations.


    E-chargehas set up electric car chargers in Hong Kong, Kowloon, and New Territories for their members to use. Most of them are free, but some require payment and reservation.

    In the “Roadmap on the Popularization of Electric Vehicles in Hong Kong” released by the government, its goal is to get at least 150,000 parking spaces in private residential and commercial buildings equipped with electric car chargers by 2025. To subsidize this initiative, the government rolled out measures, such as the HKD $2 billion "EV-charging...

    When it comes to searching for chargers, more so than drivers of any other EVs, Tesla drivers have the greatest flexibility. First of all, the brand currently has 30 supercharging stations in Hong Kong, Kowloon, and the New Territories. These provide 154 superchargers and more than 500 public Tesla Wall Connector or wall-mounted chargers. These sup...

    Few Hong Kongers have the option to install an electric car charger in their garage. If you're one of those lucky few, here's what you can do. First, discuss with your building owner, management company, or owners' corporation that you'd like an electric car charger installed at your building. After reaching a consensus, they can hire a registered ...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 2023年9月11日 · 港車北上近月成為了本地司機的關注焦點,但即使你幸運中籤,並完成申請、驗車至購買保險等手續,如果你駕駛的是電動車,你又要面臨另一難題:香港與內地的充電標準不同,需要另購轉插器才可充電。 一般電動車充滿電都只能夠行駛 200-300 公里,扣除港珠澳大橋來回共 110 公里的行程,剩餘的電力未必夠用,所以車主大都需要中途充電。 今天的快而保專題,我們就會看看電動車司機北上時要注意的四大難題(轉插充電、搵充電站、搵泊車位、撞車處理)。 延伸閱讀: 【2023 港車北上懶人包】港車北上計劃通關申請 | 點轉內地牌 | 買內地車保須知(8月1日更新! 【港車北上】汽車美容、維修攻略|3招搵啱心水車房|兩地收費一覽. 1. 香港內地充電標準不同,司機要自購轉插器.

  3. 2024年4月10日 · 香港電動車充電站|香港電動車數量以倍數上升,對電動車充電站的需求自然大,經常出現爭用充電位情況。 如包含 Tesla 的 Supercharge 及 Wall Connector,其實目前電動車充電站數目已經達 7,415 個,包括 4,225 個中速充電位及 1,151 個快速充電位,遍布全港 18 區。 配合香港政府近年積極推動電動車普及政策,不同品牌也陸續在港推出電動車,例如奧迪 Audi、寶馬 BMW、本田 Honda、平治 Mercedes-Benz、豐田 Toyota、福士 Volkswagen 及 富豪 Volvo 等。 今次快而保便為大家整理全港 18 區的充電站位置,不同品牌的電動車同樣可找到合適的充電位。 延伸閱讀:

  4. 2024年4月10日 · 快而保在 汽車保險 界擁有超過 20 年經驗,能為你一口氣比較全港逾 60 間保險公司的報價。 除了汽車保險(三保及全保)之外,亦有提供電單車保險、家居保險、自願醫保等多種產品。 立即使用我們的網上報價系統獲取免費 車保報價 吧。 以上內容僅供參考,個別保險計劃的保障範圍、賠償方式、賠償額及保費等,均以個別保單的條款為準。 快而保並不會就上述資訊任何部份的準確性及是否適時而負責。 作者 Kwiksure 團隊. 快而保 (Kwiksure) 是持牌汽車保險經紀公司,擁有逾 20 年的豐富保險經驗, 致力將保險化繁為簡,為客人挑選最符合預算及保障範圍的保險計劃。 快而保提供一系列的保險產品,包括汽車保險、電單車保險、港車北上保險、家居保險、旅遊保險、外傭保險及自願醫保等。

  5. 商務保險. 保障範圍. 責任保險為第三者索償提供特定保障,包括: 公眾責任. 僱主責任. 專業責任. 董事及高級管理人員責任. 活動責任. 產品責任. 個人風險指牽涉個人的不可控風險,導致你的公司業務及聲譽受損。 有關保險包括: 僱員補償保險. 個人意外保險. 科技風險指因科技失靈而導致公司財產及聲譽受損之風險。 有關保險包括: 電腦犯罪保險. 網絡保險. 企業風險指的是可能導致企業盈利減少甚至結業的風險因素。 有關保險包括: 財產全險. 金錢保險. 忠實保證保險. 安全風險指可能構成安全威脅的情況或個體。 有關保險包括: 政局暴亂. 恐怖襲擊. 綁架勒索. 建築風險指任何可能構成潛在損失之風險。 由於每個建築工程都有不同,因此各有不同風險。 有關保險包括: 承包商全險.

  6. 2024年5月10日 · 新界商場泊車優惠. 如心廣場 泊車優惠. 愉景新城 泊車優惠.

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