雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 「財智學院」透過深入淺出的教學及資訊,包括短片、生活化例子及小故事,讓您可以一站式的獲得投資及保障的基本知識,幫助理財新手建立更全面正確的理財概念。

  2. 人才培訓及發展. 中銀香港視「人才」為寶貴資產,非常著重人才培育,每年投入大量資源進行人才培訓及發展,並通過有效的激勵機制,保留、吸納及激勵人才,為中銀香港集團的長遠發展做好準備。 加強優秀人才培育、保持企業競爭優勢、促進業務持續發展. 提升業務知識、優化銷售及服務文化、加強風險合規意識. 列印.

  3. Management Trainee Programme. Established in 2006, our Management Trainee ( "MT" ) Programme aims to nurture high-calibre individuals to become future leaders who are ready to take up challenges and excel in any parts of our businesses.

  4. 員工是中銀香港的重要資產。人才發展是我們業務得以持續增長的基石。中銀香港作為香港主要銀行集團之一,通過「見習管理人員」及「見習主任」計劃培育未來領袖及人才。我們提供持續學習機會、支援及指導,為見習管理人員及見習主任的未來事業發展作好準備,同時亦為集團引入新動力、新 ...

  5. Staff Training and Development. At BOCHK, people is our most valuable asset. We invest heavily in people and our aim is to equip our employees with the best knowledge and skills to drive their own development. Under our competitive incentive scheme, we attract, motivate and retain the best talents and together we can achieve a sustainable ...

  6. Program Overview. During the 8-week internship, BOCHK will provide interns with a diverse and comprehensive training program. We will organize specialized training sessions about the latest trends and practical case studies in the application of ESG concepts of the banking industry.

  7. 課程及工作坊涵蓋五大範疇包括模擬飛行訓練太空科學AR/VR 虛擬實境、3D 打印及衛星原型製作。 學員將有機會與內地頂尖航天科技專家交流,學習「太空科學」知識及相關理論、了解太空船的結構及航天員的工作等,擴闊眼界。