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  1. 2024年4月7日 · Cable's origin story is one of the most confusing in comic books, though the recent X-Men '97 both adapted and simplified the mutant's backstory.

  2. An unknown party cuts four of 15 major undersea cables, forcing telecom providers to reroute traffic between Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Houthi groups deny the attack.

  3. 2024年3月4日 · Story by Hanna Ziady, CNN. • 2w • 3 min read. Damage to submarine cables in the Red Sea is disrupting telecommunications networks and forcing providers to reroute as much as a quarter of traffic...

  4. 2023年12月4日 · 年僅25歲的電音創作人Showmaîn小明),甫推出首張專輯My Universe》,就在Spotify創下300萬的點聽次數甚至連歐美都注意到他表示電音創作的志向本來就是以國際為目標以後也會更加努力事實上小明16歲自學音樂18歲就擠身電音最高殿堂的Ai Nightclub駐場表演,甚至以參與製作的《Ai-Junior &...

  5. 2023年12月4日 · 故事作者: 陳于嬙. • 4 個月. 25歲的電音創作人Showmaîn(小明)推出首張專輯《My Universe》,在Spotify創下300萬的閱聽次數新歌FriendMV更由自己一手處理他笑說:「只有字幕我不會上是我拜託女友幫我代勞感謝她! 事實上,小明16歲自學音樂,18歲就擠身電音最高殿堂的Ai...

  6. Heartland season 17 Episodes. Air Dates. Episode 1 Taking the Reins. October 1, 2023. Episode 2 Taking the Reins. October 8, 2023. Episode 3 The Heart Wants. October 15, 2023. Episode 4 A Piece Apart.

  7. 第11屆徐生明國際少棒錦標賽此次有2支韓國球隊參賽順天南山少棒隊一路打進決賽今天4強先與台北市東園國小交手但以39吞敗無緣冠軍戰順天南山季軍戰與新竹市關東國小交手靠著金敏俊5局飆10K好投壓制被敲出4支安打投出1次保送失掉4分2分責失分),率隊奪下季軍。...

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