雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年5月17日 · 步驟1. 於sc.com/hk/zh/ 的右上角按「登入」再按 「渣打網上理財」。 步驟2. 在「個人銀行客戶」或「信用卡客戶」下按「登記」。 步驟3. 個人銀行客戶. 憑提款卡登記. 輸入您的 提款卡號碼 及 櫃員機密碼. 或 憑電話理財卡登記. 輸入您的 電話理財號碼 及 電子理財私人密碼 。 信用卡客戶. 輸入您的 信用卡號碼 、 有效期限 、 出生日期 及 香港身份證號碼 。 步驟4. 確認您在本行登記的手提電話號碼,您的手機會收取一次有效密碼的短訊。 步驟5. 輸入您的一次有效密碼。 步驟6. 設定您的用戶名稱及密碼。 大部分客人都在使用網上理財作以下用途… 查閱賬戶及信用卡結餘. 查閱賬戶轉賬. 查閱信用卡交易. 查閱賬戶及信用卡結餘. 步驟1.

  2. 「跨境理財通」是一項創新的金融合作計劃,讓香港居民可以通過渣打銀行香港分行,投資粵港澳大灣區內地的指定理財產品,同時享受稅務優惠和匯率保護。點擊了解更多關於「跨境理財通」的詳情,包括申請資格、投資額度、產品種類和風險等。

  3. 1 天前 · 您可隨時透過渣打銀行網上理財開立多種私人戶口,快捷而便利。 立即體驗渣打電子理財及自助銀行服務,理財自主無難度!

    • Appointed
    • Experience
    • Career
    • External Appointments

    Judy was appointed CEO, Wealth and Retail Banking (WRB) in January 2021 and has been a member of the Group Management Team since 2018.

    Judy’s banking career spans more than 30 years, including various leadership roles in Asia with global, regional and market responsibilities. She has deep experience in retail banking, wealth management and in developing affluent client strategies and is passionate about building diverse teams to drive resilience, adaptability and innovation.

    Judy joined Standard Chartered in 2009 as Global Head of Wealth Management where she led the strategic development and management of wealth management products, investment strategy and advisory services for the Bank. In 2015, Judy was appointed CEO, Singapore, the second highest performance contributor to the Group. In 2018, Judy was appointed Regi...

    Judy was appointed to the board of CapitaLand Limited as a non-executive and independent director in May 2021.

  4. 2023年9月8日 · myWealth Advisor創富領航 為您量身繪製專屬財富配置. 以專業分析結合全球投資專家市場洞察,並考量您的投資偏好,為您量身繪製專屬的投資藍圖及資產配置方案。. 聯繫我們. 您認為目前的投資組合狀況,最符合下圖哪種意境呢?

  5. This hyperlink will bring to you to another website on the Internet, which is published and operated by a third party which is not owned, controlled or affiliated with or in any way related to Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited or any member of Standard Chartered Group ( the "Bank").

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