雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 復活節 - 中文(繁體)–英語字典翻譯-劍橋字典 We're going to have an Easter egg hunt at home. 我们打算在家里玩一次寻找复活节彩蛋 ...

  2. literary. to develop completely and become obvious. 成熟;繁榮. Her talent flowered during her later years. 她天賦到了晚年充分展露出來。 flower verb [I] (PLANT) to produce flowers. 開花. When does this plant flower? 這株植物甚麽時候開花? (flower在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) flower 例句.

  3. CARPEL翻譯:心皮(花的 雌性繁殖器官,由子房、柱頭和花柱構成)。了解更多。 詞典 翻譯 文法 ... carpel發音是什麼 ? 在英語詞典中查看 carpel 釋義 瀏覽 carpaccio carpal carpal tunnel syndrome carpe diem ...

  4. IRIS翻譯, 鳶尾屬植物(尤生長於潮濕環境,開藍色、黃色或白色花,葉細長), 眼睛, 虹膜。. 了解更多。.

  5. FLOWER翻译;開花植物, 發展, 成熟;繁榮, 植物, 開花。了解更多。

  6. - 中文(简体)–英语词典翻译——剑桥词典 a character in a children's story who led all the children away from the town of Hamelin by playing beautiful music after the town officials refused to pay him for getting rid of all the rats:

  7. FLOWER翻译:;开花植物, 发展, 成熟;繁荣, 植物, 开花。了解更多。 The study finds that civil society has flowered, taken over and escalated the struggle and constructed itself into a solid formation of regional resistance.