雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年7月9日 · Germany has the most entries on the 2017 list, with four of its cities making the cut. However, Japan was close behind with three cities in the top 25, including the top spot overall. Coming in at number 14 is Fukuoka, the largest city on the southwest island of Kyushu, which won its spot thanks to its educational institutions ...

  2. 2019年10月9日 · TOP12|京都・禅林寺 永观堂. 到禅林寺除了参拜以外,绝对不能错过的是秋天的芥黄银杏以及满山枫红,每到赏枫的季节总是能看见观光客们络绎不绝地行走在山间。. 除了赏枫以外,禅林寺的建筑方式也非常有特色,因为沿着山势而建,所以呈现高低起伏,与 ...

  3. 2019年10月9日 · TOP10|和歌山・高野山 奧之院. 高野山在日本的文化中是座圣山,蕴含虔诚的佛教信仰,成为空海大师与战国多位武将的长眠之地。. 直白一点来说,这里其实是座广大的墓园,然而漫步在山林之间并无任何不祥之感,反而能从沉静中洗涤身心。. 阳光从树梢间轻 ...

  4. 位於千葉縣的德國村,約莫11月開始會舉行為期半年的冬季點燈活動,也被選為關東三大必看燈飾之一。 德國村的交通方便,自由行旅客也容易到達,點燈時節園內的燈飾成千上萬的鋪張,來自世界各國的遊客齊聚在燈彩迷幻的世界裡,幾乎讓人忘記自己還置身 ...

  5. 2019年4月8日 · Nikko Toshogu in Tochigi Prefecture is one of Japan’s most popular sightseeing spots. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the shrine is presently undergoing restoration work that will last some 22 years and which employs materials and techniques true to the time of its construction almost 400 years ago.

  6. 2017年6月30日 · Diletta Fabiani Updated June 30, 2017. Sweets. www.flickr.com. Kit Kat may have had its humble beginnings in the United Kingdom, but here in Japan, it has truly flourished. You will find some unique flavors here, like these 10 very Japanese flavors that represent different regions of Japan.

  7. 除了擁有高爾夫球遊戲場、滑草斜坡、各式兒童遊樂設施外,還可品嚐德國啤酒、德國啤酒、燒烤等美食。 芝櫻開花時間約為3月中旬至4月中旬,比較特別的是這裡紫色的芝櫻佔多數、還有種植有水仙、油菜花和罌粟花等等,另外還可以自己體驗採收竹筍、香菇、橘子和馬鈴薯呢!