雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Citibank網上理財 升級版Citibank網上理財為您提供更簡單、更快捷嘅理財體驗,等您有更多時間好好享受生活。 - 全新設計嘅服務選單,令您更輕易搵到您需要嘅銀行服務 - 您可以喺「設定及其他」管理所有賬戶設定同服務,包括個人資料詳情,電子月結單、卡及戶口同投資聲明等

  2. 成功出張Citi信用卡即可享受豐富迎新優惠!. 即日起至2024年6月3日,新客戶 1 透過此網頁申請 2 以下Citi信用卡並憑卡累積認可簽賬滿 HK$8,0003 ,. 獨家賞您限時迎新獎賞 — HK$1,600現金回贈** !. 早出卡早享受,仲唔立即行動?. 1. 迎新獎賞不適用於現在持有任何由 ...

  3. Banking. Home. Banking. Citi Plus - Citi 利息 Booster. %body% 簡單日常任務 boost 活期利率高達2.67% 年利率. 一開戶就有1.17% 年利率 年利率 1 . 只要完成4個日常任務,包括「儲錢」、「入錢」、「碌卡買嘢」同「投資 2 、唱外幣或買保險」就可以解鎖boost利率 . 加加埋埋年利率最高有成2.67% 年利率 1 ,您放喺Citi 利息Booster戶口嘅首30萬港幣存款就可以賺到更多利息 . 至Smart 攻略去完成任務. 基本利率 1.17% 年利率. 入錢 +0.3% 年利率 更多資料 > 儲錢 +0.3% 年利率 更多資料 > 「投資、唱外幣或買保險」 +0.6% 年利率 更多資料 >

  4. Structured product is an instrument embedded with derivative, under which the return is determined by reference to changes in the price, value and/or level of one or more underlying references. They are designed to help you diversify portfolios and limit downside risks. It benefits you by generating potential income and returns.

  5. What is Portfolio Finance 1? Portfolio Finance enables you to borrow at a competitive rate 2 against a broad range of financial assets as collaterals, including deposits, equities, bonds, mutual funds and structured products.

  6. Citi Credit Card Spring Spending Reward - "Up to 5% extra rebate on designated local spending categories” (“Promotion”) Terms & Conditions: Promotion period is from March 15,2024 to June 14, 2024, both dates inclusive (“Promotion Period”). The Promotion Period

  7. www1.citibank.com.hk › english › credit-cardsMerchant Instalment Plan

    Payment made on March 20, 2021 (“Payment Date”) HK$300. Finance Charge on the billed Installment (HK$ 1,000) from one day after current Statement Date (March 16) to one day before Payment Date (March 19) at 31%p.a. (i.e. HK$1,000 × 4 days ÷ 365 days × 31%) HK$3.40. Current outstanding Installment amount.