雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港公眾假期 • 香港簽證和證件要求 • 如果通過海關和前往市區 • 八達通卡-香港出行必備 • 緊急和常用電話號碼 • 貨幣流通和兌換 • 公共交通工具 • 電源和電壓. 繼續閱讀…

    • Sold Tourist Octopus Card – Good Gift and Souvenir
    • How to Use The Octopus Card ?
    • Where to Add Value and How Much to Top Up on Octopus Card?
    • Where Can I Return The Octopus Card?
    • More Frequently Asked Questions About Octopus Card

    Octopus Card Ltd also prepares a special Sold Tourist Octopus Card for visitors as a perfect gift or souvenir. Unlike the Standard Octopus Card, the Sold Tourist Octopus Card is sold at the price of HK$ 39 without deposit and initial value. It means that the HK$ 39 charged for the card is the fee for the card itself and not refundable. Many people ...

    Standard Octopus Card has HK$100 initial value ready to use. If you purchase the Sold Tourist Octopus Card, you still need to reload some value first. Octopus Card is a contactless smart card. Simply swiping or “waving” the card over the fare deduction processor (card reader machine) is sufficient. Successful payment should have a sharp “beep” as s...

    Don’t worry about running out of money on the card. Recharging the card is very convenient and easy. You can either recharge your card in any MTR Customer Service Center, in-station add-value machines or numerous retailers, supermarkets, convenience stores and restaurants. Value can be added from minimum HK$ 50 up to maximum HK$ 1000each time. Ther...

    Only the Standard Octopus Cardcan be returned and refunded. Basically, you can return the Standard Octopus Card to any MTR Customer Service Center, including those in the airport. You will get back all the remaining value as well as the paid deposit (HK$ 50). A small handling fee of HK$9 will be deducted if you return your card within 3 months of p...

    Yes and No. You cannot share an Octopus Card when taking metro system since each one needs to use the card for both entering and exiting. In addition, Octopus Card machines on public transportation...
    All the Standard Octopus Card needs to pay with cash at the Customer Service Counter. It is a cash card that you can get cash refund immediately when returning the card. Thus paying with other mean...
    You can purchase the Sold Tourist Octopus Card online. Especially, if you arrive by plane and don’t want to stand in line after a long-haul flight as well as save some time, this is a perfect optio...
    The Octopus Card is valid for 1000 days and will be deactivated if within this period of time no further amount of value is added. However, you don’t need to worry if you didn’t use your card for 3...
  2. 當你抵達香港,取決於你是乘坐飛機或者從深圳過關,我們向你推薦不同的方法抵達市區。 乘機到達: 香港赤鱲角國際機場非常大,但是你卻不會迷路,因為機場的標示非常的清楚和明確。 赤鱲角被英國的Skytrax評為五星級機場,並在過去10年間一直保持“世界最佳機場”的前三甲。 當你抵達香港國際機場,走出客艙,記得留意通道口手持引導標識的工作人員。 通常他們會告訴你去哪裡轉機,詢問你是否有行李需要處理,核對一些個人數據等。 如果你不需要轉機,則無須理會。 有時取決於停機坪是否靠近接機大堂,你可能會需要乘搭火車(Skytrain)前往入境大廳。 不過不需要擔心,每2-3分鐘都會有一架接駁火車。 除了機場通道,沿著指示牌先前往入境大廳過海關。 如果你是歐洲,美國或者加拿大的居民,過境會比較快。

  3. 緊急電話(警察,救護車,消防): 999. 從手機的緊急電話: 112 or 999. 警局熱線: + (852) 2527 7177. 香港國際機場熱線: + (852) 2181 8888. 香港旅遊發展局熱線: + (852) 2508 1234. 香港郵政熱線: + (852) 2921 2222. 如果在你購物時遇到不公平交易,比如貨不對板,對店方 ...

  4. 如果你不知道在香港應該怎樣安排時間,我們為你提供了從1日至5日的行程建議,供你參考。

    • 怎樣申請港康碼1
    • 怎樣申請港康碼2
    • 怎樣申請港康碼3
    • 怎樣申請港康碼4
    • 怎樣申請港康碼5
  5. 香港作為國際化大都市,在這裡你可以觀光,購物,體驗中西方文化的合璧。. 在你計劃你的香港之行之前,不妨看看我們和你分享的我們對香港的瞭解和一些旅行Tip,無論你是想購買最新款的電子產品,又或者你是Hello Kitty的忠實粉絲,抑或只想放鬆自己,在維 ...

  6. 你可以到当地的公安部出入境管理局申请往来港澳通行证”。 如果你前来香港旅游,你的签注一般为14天单次入境。 如果你有直系亲属(子女或者父母)在香港读书或者工作,你可以申请探亲签注,逗留时间为30天。