雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 邦民日本財務助您解決小本創業財務問題. 小本創業面對最大的難關是甚麼?. 返回此文的起點-資金,急需資金周轉的您,最直接的方法是找有信譽的借貸公司,籌集創業本錢,往後才分期還款,仍是一個不錯的選擇。. 來自日本且信譽可靠 的邦民日本財務於 ...

  2. According to the Money Lenders Ordinance, the maximum annual percentage rate is 48%. All examples and information of interest rate are for reference only, and final approval is subject to actual circumstances of individual personal loan applicant: Loan Amount: HK$200,000. Interest Rate: Monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%)

  3. 信用卡分期提早還款有著數?拆解信用卡找數三大迷思! 需要周轉時,許多人均會透過申請私人貸款、透支信用卡或信用卡分期以解決燃眉之急。當周轉問題解決後,不少人希望能提早還款,節省利息支出。然而,提早還款有機會需要支付額外費用,隨時不能省下金錢之餘還要倒過頭來蝕錢。

  4. www.promise.com.hk › en › faqFAQ | Promise HK

    Browse all the FAQs to find out about the loan application and approval process, handling fees, settlement, revolving loan, and repayment. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84 months respectively.

  5. 只需要稅務計算機中填寫有關金額便可以幫您計算,相當方便! 基本免稅額 每人享有的個人免稅額是$132,000,這意味著您的實際應課薪俸稅收入是以減去個人基本免稅額之後的數字計算。稅務計算機中已經為您預設扣減,因此無需擔心需何處點擊。

  6. Promise has been dedicated our professional service to helping Hong Kong people with their financial needs since 1992. Aside from our daily business, we also actively work with other communities in Hong Kong through various activities planning to achieve sustainability under ESG framework. We are dedicated to promoting environmental protection ...

  7. 財務中介陷阱注意! 「借錢梗要還,咪俾錢中介」這句忠告,會於各財務機構廣告上看到,全因不良財務中介往往借口協助申請私人貸款,最後卻追收高昂手續費、顧問費、服務費等費用。想面對危急周轉時刻,能夠成功收取全部已批核貸款,就要認清財務中介與正規財務公司的分別,以及了解 ...