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  1. 2023年12月12日 · I would love to see our Climate Czar, John Kerry, gulp down a plate of fresh live bugs. The timing of the mysterious new disease and the fact that nobody can figure out even where it came from, like a Wuhan Lab, since this is a non-human virus, could be some private lab funded by sinister people.

  2. 2024年6月16日 · While we must first go through some hard times, we will NEVER reform until most people see that this is NOT going in the right direction. It is unbelievable. I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who rose to power from virtually nowhere., who rose to power from virtually nowhere.

  3. Their food is simple; wild fruits, fresh venison, [135] or coagulated milk. [136] They satisfy hunger without seeking the elegances and delicacies of the table. Their thirst for liquor is not quenched with equal moderation. If their propensity to drunkenness be gratified ...

  4. 2016年3月18日 · Only then we will come out when it has been wiped clean and humanity gets a fresh start. They are the worst of humanity; the real bottom feeders who are typically politicians and high-ranking members. They contribute nothing to society and are only in the So ...

  5. 2024年3月1日 · One of the basic rules of war is that you always keep two fronts going simultaneously. The first is the obvious battlefield. However, the second is communication. Suppose you DO NOT keep communication open through the back channels. In that case, there is NEVER the possibility of PEACE, and the war then becomes concluded only when one side is obliterated.

  6. I. The Fight for the Throne. a.d. 68. June 9. Death of Nero. 16. Galba, Governor of Nearer Spain, declared Emperor at Clunia. Fonteius Capito, Governor of Lower Germany, Clodius Macer, Governor of Africa, and Nymphidius Sabinus, Prefect of the Guard, murdered

  7. 2022年3月13日 · Armstrong, who has new data from his Socrates computer analysis, is out with a fresh critical update. Armstrong explains, “It’s just total insanity. They are, really at this stage, completely collapsing the world economy. You have Apple and all these Their ...

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