雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Ultimate guide of best selected 2023 Hong Kong Halloween celebrations: from theme parks, parties in pubs, themed tours, concerts, markets to shopping malls.

  2. 玉器市場(Jade Market)和 廟街 相鄰,逛廟街之前你可以到玉器市場逛一逛。 玉器市場每日上午10點至下午5點開放。無論是在中國還是在西方,玉器都被認為是運氣和健康的象徵,可以趕走鬼神,壞運氣和病痛。在中國,玉也是健康和長壽的象徵。玉器按照成色,價格相差很大。

  3. DINING. SHOPPING. HOTEL. LATEST NEWS. MACAU. Every year, Hong Kong's shopping malls and shops will launch special events and decorations for Halloween celebration. Check out the coolest Halloween in shopping malls.

  4. MACAU. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center is located at Victoria Harbor front and close to the Golden Bauhinia Square. The Hong Kong official flag raising ceremony is held daily here.

  5. First LINE Friends Store opened in Hysan Place in Hong Kong’s popular shopping district Causeway Bay with exclusive merchandises.

  6. The Sun Arcade is located at the heart of Tsim Sha Tsui and is connected to the MTR Tsim Sha Tsui station. The shopping arcade has a total of 205,000 square feet and accommodates more than 20 shops, stores and restaurants.

  7. 如何前往香港會議展覽中心和金紫荊廣場:. 從尖沙咀出發:. 最方便的方式就是搭乘天星小輪到灣仔。. 下船之後你會看見香港會展中心就在你的右手邊。. 步行5-10分鐘,你就可以抵達金紫荊廣場了。. 香港會議展覽中心比鄰維多利亞港,在維港美麗的景色和 ...