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  1. www.promise.com.hk › en › faqFAQ | Promise HK

    Browse all the FAQs to find out about the loan application and approval process, handling fees, settlement, revolving loan, and repayment. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84 months respectively.

  2. According to the Money Lenders Ordinance, the maximum annual percentage rate is 48%. All examples and information of interest rate are for reference only, and final approval is subject to actual circumstances of individual personal loan applicant: Loan Amount: HK$200,000. Interest Rate: Monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%)

  3. If you would like to improve your Personal Credit Rating, please take note of below Five Key Points: Pay your bills on time. Do not apply too many credit cards/personal loans in a short period of time. Build up a positive credit Record. Do not rely on one credit card only. Regularly review personal spending habits.

  4. 我們樂意為您提供協助!. 請致電客戶服務熱線 3199 1199 查詢或 按此 聯絡我們。. 借錢要交什麼文件資料?. 邦民免文件私人貸款網上申請手續簡單,且可按個別情況豁免入息證明文件,真正「易借易還」,立即了解更多!.

  5. Last Updated Date : May 2019 New Applicant Hotline 3199 1199 24-hour Member Hotline 3199 1111 Latest Offers Welcome Offer Member Offer Loan Products Instant Personal Loan Low-interest Debt Consolidation Loan Tertiary Student Loan No-doc Loan for ...

  6. 24小時會員專線. 提供不同特快即批私人貸款,靈活應付不同財務需要,助您解決現金周轉問題。. 邦民的貸款服務,可網上完成申請手續,全程無需現身,立即了解更多!.

  7. 以下為您介紹4種低成本創業途徑以及申請創業基金的條件資格及申請流程等讓您離創業的夢想再近一步! 準備創業前需要考慮的因素. 專業知識. 您需要擁有相關業務領域的專業知識,這將有助於您更好地理解市場需求和競爭環境。 尋找投資. 如果您需要資金來啟動您的業務,尋找投資者或融資來源便是關鍵。 不過若然資金不足可參考低成本創業的方法,以較少資金創立您的業務。 擴展計劃. 創業初期需要考慮未來的擴展計劃,確定業務發展策略,以便在需要時作出明智的決策。 個人興趣. 選擇一個和個人興趣相關的領域,或會令您能夠堅持奮鬥更久,從而增加成功的機會。 4種低成本創業途徑. 低成本創業方法1:網路行銷諮詢. 利用您的數碼行銷技能,為其他企業提供線上廣告、社群媒體管理和搜尋引擎優化服務。