雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 根據每個個案不同情況,處理遺產所需步驟可能有所不同. 香港滙豐. 協助. 喪親指引. 處理遺產. 負責處理遺產人通常被稱為「遺產代理人」,根據已故客戶有否訂立遺囑,在下文中,他將被稱為「遺囑執行人」或「遺產管理人」 如已故客戶有訂立遺囑,該處理遺產人士將被稱為「遺囑執行人」 如已故客戶沒有訂立遺囑,將根據無遺囑法,其最近親通常被稱為「遺產管理人」 如您是遺產代理人,您職責是: 清點遺產中所有內容並計算出總價值. 計算並處理所有應繳稅款. 申請有關處理遺產法津文件,詳情請參閱下一節. 收取所有資產(如股票和投資)並清償任何債務,包括按揭和貸款. 將遺產分配給受益人. 如您是遺產代理人,您可以決定是否. 自己處理遺產或. 委任律師為您處理部分或全部遺產. 是否需要遺囑認證?

  2. Step 5 – Sorting out any HSBC accounts. To move money out of the deceased's accounts with HSBC. Bereavement Guide - you may save an electronic copy of the Bereavement Guide. Alternatively, you may print out the Bereavement Guide. HSBC offers help and support to you to sort out practical matters and important financial decisions of someone you ...

  3. 符合我們對於國籍(國家/地區)、地址及居住地規定,而該規定或時有修改. 「滙瓏環球壽險計劃」是具備儲蓄成分終身人壽保險計劃,由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(「滙豐保險」)承保,其並非等同銀行存款計劃。. 保單持有人受滙豐保險之信貸 ...

  4. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...

  5. Bereavement. Notifying us. You can notify HSBC of the death after obtaining the Death Certificate of the deceased. All you need to do is to visit one of our HSBC branches with the original or certified copy of Death Certificate of the deceased. For someone who died in Hong Kong, other than Death Certificate, we also accept Certificate of Order ...

  6. 您須符合以下資格,才可投保「滙禧保險計劃」:. 受保人年齡介乎出生後15日至75歲 4. 參考註腳 4. 符合我們對國籍(國家/地區)、地址及居住地規定,而該規定或時有修改. 滙禧保險計劃是具備儲蓄成分人壽保險計劃,由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司 ...

  7. We will need to see: the full Power of Attorney document, either the original or a copy certified by a qualified solicitor in Hong Kong. identification documents and proof of address for each Attorney (please see ' Points to note for Power of Attorney set ' for examples of documents we accept) If you're registering an Enduring Power of Attorney ...