雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 冬季讓很多美眉最頭疼的,莫過於皮膚乾燥粗糙了吧!大多數美眉會把護膚精力集中在臉部護理上,卻往往忽略對手部的護理。手不僅是女人的第二張臉,更能反映出你的生活細節。因此對於各位女性來說,比起花錢做美甲等表面上的功夫,手部皮膚的保養或許更為重要。下面就要為大家推薦幾款在 ...

  2. 日本家庭藥箱中的8款常備藥. 有關「第三類藥品」的特徵. 第三類藥品的管制相對寬鬆,雖屬藥品,但副作用低,甚至沒有副作用,且只要不是長時間的過度使用,基本上不會對人體帶來傷害。 第三類藥品基本上於藥妝店可以輕鬆購入,主要以維生素作為補充的保健食品多屬此項分類,另外一般不含類固醇、抗生素的外用痠痛貼布、止癢藥膏等也屬此項分類。 日本藥妝店熱賣的「第三類藥品」 第三類藥品涵蓋範圍包括保健品及使輕微症狀緩解的外用品 ,日本藥妝店常見的第三類藥品有白兔牌推出的青春痘改善藥 ハイチオールCプラス (HYTHIOL-C PLUS)、エーザイ (eisai) 改善肌膚問題與口內炎的 チョコラBBプラス ,以及参天製薬出品的滋潤眼睛、改善眼睛疲勞的眼藥水 ソフトサンティア 。 攜帶藥品回台的相關規定.

  3. 2017年11月2日 · The Ancient Ninja Strongholds of Iga & Koka. A lot of mystery and intrigue surround the legendary ninja of Japan. In Japanese, ninja are also called shinobi, which is a shortened form of shinobi-no-mono (忍びの者), or “those who act in stealth.”. The verb shinobu (忍ぶ) actually means to conceal oneself or to endure.

  4. 2018年4月23日 · Handmade Knives in Yamagata. Based in Yamagata Prefecture, Shimada Cutlery Works (島田刃物製作所・Shimada Hamono Seisakusho) carries on a blade-making tradition that traces its origins back to the year 1365. While in ancient days Yamagata blades were made for mercenaries in this mountainous northern prefecture, now they're made for ...

  5. 2017年7月10日 · The second torii gate is one of the Three Dragon Gates of Tokyo. The large, stone gate has carvings of dragons on each side, with one climbing and one descending, called soryu (双龍), or paired dragons. It's believed that if you make a wish while touching the rising dragon, it will deliver your wish to heaven to be granted.

  6. 2019年2月18日 · Kinryu no Mai means “The Dance of the Golden Dragon,” and involves eight people controlling the shimmering dragon to gracefully move through the air, appearing to chase after a lotus-shaped golden ball. This lotus-shaped ball is in fact being guarded by the dragon, and represents Kannon, the Goddess of Mercy.

  7. 2019年12月11日 · Nikko's Toshogu Shrine is a UNESCO World Heritage Site featuring one of the most lavishly decorated shrines in Japan. It is the final resting place of shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu, founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate that ruled over Japan for over 250 years.

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