雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. a shop sign; a signboard; a fascia
    • 2. the reputation of a firm

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  2. a sign with information on it or showing the name of a business, school, hospital, etc. A signboard by the entrance proclaimed that the business had been established in 1852. 入口處的一塊招牌上寫著這家公司成立於1852年。 營業招牌. shingle uk / ˈʃɪŋ.gəl/ us / ˈʃɪŋ.gəl/ noun US. a sign outside a building that says someone is running a business, especially a doctor or lawyer.

  3. signboard uk / ˈsaɪn.bɔːd/ us / ˈsaɪn.bɔːrd/ noun. a sign with information on it or showing the name of a business, school, hospital, etc. A signboard by the entrance proclaimed that the business had been established in 1852. 入口处的一块招牌上写着这家公司成立于1852年。.

  4. a sign with information on it or showing the name of a business, school, hospital, etc. 廣告板,佈告牌;(寫著機構名稱的)招牌. A signboard by the entrance proclaimed that the business had been established in 1852. 入口處的一塊招牌上寫著這家公司成立於1852年。.

  5. Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction. 招牌 noun () signboard n. less common: signboards pl. 招牌 () shop sign. ·. reputation of a business. Examples: 招牌菜 — signature dish. ·. a restaurant’s most famous dish. 招牌动作 — signature move. 招牌纸 — label. ·. sticker. See also: 招 — incur. ·. provoke. ·. beckon. ·. confess. ·. a move (chess) ·. a maneuver.

  6. 店面的招牌叫做 billboard 或 signboard. 招牌菜可以說 our most popular dish. 砸了我的招牌可以說 ruin my reputation,signature move 指招牌動作。

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  8. 招牌的英文單字英文翻譯及用法facia帶; (店門上的)招牌; <;醫>;繃帶; <;解>;筋膜;shop sign牌號; 市招; 幌子;sign符號; 手勢; 跡象; 指示牌signboard<;>;廣告牌布告牌;。漢英詞典提供招牌的詳盡英文翻譯

  9. '招牌' 英语 Translation | 柯林斯 汉语 - 英语词典. 字典 语法. 招牌 的英语 翻译. [zhāopai] 名. sign. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. 查看相关内容. 按字母顺序浏览. 招牌. 着迷. 照面儿. 照明. 招牌. 照片. 招聘. 朝气. 学习资源. 招牌 的翻译—— 柯林斯 中文到英文词典. Read about the team of authors behind Collins Dictionaries. New from Collins. 快速的单词挑战. 题: 1. - 得分了: 0 / 5. BIRDS.

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