雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 持續進修基金申請表 資格 相關

  2. 專業烘焙課程,課程務求與時並進,以及提升學員對廚務管理的專業知識和技巧。CEF西廚及烘焙課程. 入行學廚前先修讀課程,更多機遇,專業西廚及烘焙課程,創造機會。提供以實務為主的獨特學習體驗


  1. 申請流程 一、 攜帶以下文件至離住處最近的公共職業安定所ハローワーク(Hello Work),確認申請資格及失業津貼登記。 ① 離職票 ② 雇用保險被保險者證 ③ 印章 ④ 身分證件(在留卡等) ⑤ 證件照兩張(3x2.5 cm) ⑥ 銀行帳戶存摺

  2. 2020年5月8日 · This should be for the account in which you want to receive the fund. - www.soumu.go.jp. 1. 2. The government announced plans to offer a relief package of ¥100,000 to every individual in Japan, including foreign residents. Check out our brief guide on eligibility for the ¥100,000 COVID-19 fund and how to get it.

  3. 2019年4月4日 · Download the form from here and fill it out carefully. Double check that you have everything, or you may be asked to refile your application. ・A 4cm x 3cm Photo. Be sure to look clean, put together and friendly in your photo. The photo should only be from the shoulders up, just like a passport photo.

  4. 2019年2月18日 · Purify Body & Mind with Waterfall Training. Japan has a rich and complex spiritual history, and even today Shintoism plays an important role in the country's cultural identity. There are many time-honored traditional practices—like meditation and other ascetic practices—handed down by priests and monks, many of which can be beneficial to ...

  5. 2021年3月12日 · In a move to make the process of changing, extending, and/or renewing a visa status, the Japanese government has announced that from April 2021, foreign residents will be able to complete these processes online through a computer or a smartphone. To be eligible, foreign residents must have a valid residence card ( zairyu card - 在留カード ...

  6. 黑部峽谷鐵路確實是日本最好的景觀之一。. 如圖上你看到的,這個北日本阿爾卑斯山脈中的V形的峽谷,從河面到最高點有2000米,是日本最深的峽谷。. 整條鐵道線路從宇奈月站到櫸平站全長20.1千米。. 途徑10個車站,41個隧道,21座橋。. 沿途你可以看到 ...

  7. 福島牛的心願 好吃的牛肉不必遮掩! 深度日本 福島 離上一次來到福島已經是 7 年前的事情,當時福島因為福島第一核電廠的事故,整個縣幾乎陷入一片愁雲慘霧。再一次回到福島,發現這裡多了一份生命的韌性,雖然福島核電廠事故所發生的影響依舊持續,但是生活在這一片土地的人們,似乎也 ...