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  1. 山王祭 山王まつり. 山王祭. 東京都千代田區永田町2丁目10番5號. 2024-6-7 - 2024-6-17. 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 山王祭與神田祭、深川祭並稱為江戶三大祭,是歷史悠久的盛大祭典。. 曾經在江戶時代(1603-1867),神轎與山車得到進入江戶城內的許可,因此德川第三代 ...

  2. 3 天前 · 透過敞篷巴士之旅發現東京新魅力. 反映時下潮流與促進文化交流的生活據點ーー東京「高架橋下設施」三選. 「HARAKADO」將於2024年4月17日開幕. 傳統與創意並存,四季暖心的日本國民料理ーー東京可品嘗「味噌湯」的新店舖. 懸疑、恐怖、動作等完全沉浸式體驗 ...

  3. 5 天前 · 日文英文簡體中文繁體中文韓文. 設有殘障車位(輪椅可用)入館自動門設有安全扶手(包含可動式扶手)設有無障礙通道設有輪椅升降平台手扶梯電梯輪椅對應升降梯無障礙廁所(多功能廁所)人工肛門患者可用廁所(簡便式)廁所設有扶手設有換尿布台提供輪椅出租提供嬰兒車出租服務 提供哺乳室筆談等綜合溝通. > 六本木Hills. 歡迎前往擁有許多豪華店家與設施的六本木Hills。

    • January
    • February
    • March
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    • June
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    • September
    • October

    Kanda Myojin Shrine hosts the Daikoku Festival, which is held close to Coming-of-Age Day, a holiday held in honor of those who are turning 18 that year. A Shinto dancer dressed as Daikoku, the deity of fortune, greets new adults by shaking his lucky mallet above their heads. You can also buy a daruma doll, a lucky charm said to make wishes come tru...

    Setsubun is a traditional event held across Japan marking the end of winter, where you throw beans to cast out evil spirits and bring in good fortune. Throwing the beans at the "demons" (people in masks and/or costumes) is an activity children across Japan love. For a great Setsubun event, visit Okunitama Shrine, Sensoji Temple, or Zojoji Temple. I...

    Visit Mt. Takao in western Tokyo for the Fire-Walking Festival, where barefooted monks chant and walk atop a path of smoldering embers. March also marks the beginning of cherry blossom season, which means cherry blossom festivals all the way into early April. Some big ones include the Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival, the Chiyoda Cherry Blossom Festiva...

    In April, spring gets into full swing. Cherry blossom festivals continue into early April, when the petals begin falling from the trees in droves. This is the quintessential Japanese image of ephemeral beauty. The annual Meiji Jingu Spring Grand Festival, held from late April through early May, features presentations of traditional performing arts ...

    Kanda-Matsuri Festival, a grand six-day celebration, is considered one of Japan's three greatest festivals. This religious festival is centered on Kanda Myojin Shrine, and it features huge processions of mikoshi (portable shrines) and floats. Massive crowds turn out to celebrate this epic event. The "Honmatsuri," or main festival, is held every oth...

    The biggest traditional festival on June's calendar is the historic Sanno Masturi in Asakusa, considered to be one of Japan's three great festivals. The festivities last 11 days, and every day offers something new. As summer kicks off, you could head to the Hachioji region of Tokyo for the Fussa Hotaru (Firefly) Festival to witness fireflies dancin...

    Japan has some amazing fireworks festivals. One of the most well-known is the Sumida River Fireworks Festival in Ryogoku. Thousands upon thousands of fireworks of all colors, shapes and styles, launched from multiple spots around the neighborhood, fill the skies for close to two hours. Consider getting there early to claim a good spot. Tokyo has lo...

    August is Bon season in Japan, and countless Bon-odori festivals will be held in every neighborhood of the city. One large Bon festival with a long history is the Tsukiji Hongwanji Bon Odori, held at Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple. The annual festival of Tomioka Hachimangu Shrine, also known as the Fukagawa Hachiman Festival, is held around August 15. It...

    Head to the Nezu-jinja Shrine for their major annual Reitaisai festival in September. Said to have been established in 1714, it currently features traditional dance performances and street stalls. Other festivals include the Fukuro Matsuri in Ikebukuro and the Shinagawa Shukuba Matsuri in Shinagawa. A large-scale parade brings the community togethe...

    You can enjoy a variety of evening events in October. Check out the Mori no Takigi Noh in Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. A special firelit Noh performance is put on in the park, which is normally closed during the evenings. At the Ikegami Honmonji Temple Oeshiki Ceremony, a procession of tall lanterns marks the anniversary of the passing of Nichir...

  4. 2024年5月8日 · 日文 | 英文 |. 設有殘障車位(輪椅可用) | 設有無障礙通道 | 人工肛門患者可用廁所(簡便式) | 設有換尿布台 | 提供輪椅出租 | 提供嬰兒車出租(有時須收費) | 提供哺乳室 | 提供多國語言點字服務 |. 關於舉辦狀況、時間及費用等最新資訊,請至各活動官方網站查詢。 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 多摩地區 > 調布・府中及附近景點 > 春日玫瑰節. 擁有「世界玫瑰會聯合優秀庭園獎」獲獎經歷的關東最大型公園的玫瑰園,約400品種共5,200株玫瑰爭相綻放。 以冠上此園名字的玫瑰‘神代女王’為首,從開園當時開始培育的大株及原種玫瑰的展示等,眾多珍貴的玫瑰賞心悅目。 「春日玫瑰節」是配合綻放時節舉辦的活動。 設有例行的晨間之旅及音樂會等,眾多將玫瑰園彩綴得華麗輝煌的活動。

  5. 2024年5月1日 · 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京都中心 > 東京巨蛋週邊 > 第40屆 文京繡球花祭. 保有日本江戶(東京舊名)風情的文京區,雖位於東京的中心地區卻因有許多青翠綠地與嬌美的花卉而聞名。 以2月綻放的梅花拉開序幕,會舉辦「文京五大花卉節」等活動,讓遊客一年四季都能欣賞各種花卉。

  6. 4 天前 · 三社祭 三社祭. 三社祭. 東京都台東區淺草2-3-1. 2024-5-17 - 2024-5-19. Updated: April 1, 2024. 據傳說,有一對名叫檜前濱成和檜前武成的兄弟在宮戶川(現隅田川)釣魚時,把佛教慈悲女神的觀音像拉了上來。. 該觀音像被一個名叫土師真仲知的富豪地主供奉在了家中,這 ...

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