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  1. 收緊信貸的英文單字英文翻譯及用法credit squeeze貸款緊縮;。漢英詞典提供收緊信貸的詳盡英文翻譯用法例句等

  2. "信貸" 英文翻譯: credit "信貸緊縮收緊信貸" 英文翻譯: credit squeeze "收緊" 英文翻譯: tighten up; take up 它還需要再收緊些。 it needs tightening up a little "收緊,壓縮" 英文翻譯: striction "收緊,夾緊" 英文翻譯: pinch "收緊錨" 英文翻譯

  3. to make a rule, system, or law stronger again: In May, the Home Office retightened the policy and made the drug class B once again. 5月,英国内政部收紧政策,再次将该药列为B类(B类药物是指根据英国毒品法所规定的一类被控制的药物。 这类药物被认为有较高的滥用风险和健康危害,但比A类药物的危害性低。 )。 (收緊在Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) 瀏覽. 收件箱. 手腳俐落. 受教於. 受戒禮. 收緊. 手巾. 受驚. 受精. 授精

  4. 收緊的英文單字英文翻譯及用法tighten up使緊密加強; 收緊;frap縛緊,收緊;string繩子,帶子; 線絲,植物纖維; 串; [計算機科學]字符串;take up開始從事; 接受(提議); 占用;。漢英詞典提供收緊的詳盡英文翻譯用法例句等

  5. to take money from a bank or other financial organization and pay it back over a period of time: Like so many companies at that time, we had to borrow heavily to survive. 像那時眾多公司一様,我們不得不靠大量借貸維持生存。 借貸收購. leverage uk / ˈliː.vər.ɪdʒ/ us / ˈlev.ɚ.ɪdʒ/ noun specialized. the act of using borrowed money to buy an investment or a company:

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. 信貸緊縮 - English translation – Linguee. Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction. 信贷紧缩 () credit crunch. tighten lending. See also: 信贷 pl — credit facilities pl. 信贷 — borrowed money. See more examples • See alternative translations. See alternative translations. © Linguee Dictionary, 2024. External sources (not reviewed)

  8. money borrowed from a bank or similar organization in order to buy a house or apartment. 定期人壽保險貸款. endowment mortgage uk / ɪnˌdaʊ.mənt ˈmɔː.gɪdʒ/ us / ɪnˌdaʊ.mənt ˈmɔːr.gɪdʒ/ noun. an arrangement in which you have an endowment policy that provides the money you need in order to buy a house. 過度性貸款.