雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港的薪俸稅稅率可分為逐級遞增的累進税率及標準稅率,根據您的應課薪俸稅收入而定。 以下是2023/24課稅年度累進税率下的薪俸稅稅率: 首 $50,000:2% 另 $50,000:6% 另 $50,000:10% 另 $50,000:14% 餘額:17% 若您透過以上方式計算出來的稅款,相比以標準稅率計算出來的稅款高的話,您就可以直接以標準稅率繳交稅款,以下為2023/24課稅年度的標準稅率: 15% 累進税率的薪俸稅計算方式是將您的應課税年薪俸稅收入分成不同層次,然後對每個層次的收入按相應的薪俸稅稅率計算。 如有需要可以使用政府提供的薪俸稅計算機,即可於交稅前做好估算,輕鬆解決薪俸稅計算問題!

  2. 2022/23課稅年度免稅額及稅率計算,假設您獨資業務被評定虧損100,000元。 在同一年度您曾受僱於另一機構,並收取薪酬400,000元,您可以使用以下公式來計算您的個人入息課稅:

  3. Updated on 2022.04.22. Unemployment rate has surged to new highs as Hong Kong's economy is hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to reduce the financial pressure of the unemployed and jobless, the HK government announced to launch the 100% Personal Loan Guarantee Scheme (Unemployment Loan) again to help them meet urgent financial needs.

  4. 根據公務員貸款須知》,公務員貸款的來源通常包括政府內外信譽良好的貸款服務主要包括: 1. 預支薪金. 政府設有預支薪金機制,若果公務員因突發事故或意外,而導致意料不到的額外開支,可以向政府尋求協助,預支往後月份的薪金,以助解決資金周轉問題。 預支薪金後的還款機制,主要以分期攤還為基礎,於一定年期內從薪金扣除指定金額,以作還款用途。 若公務員在扣減款項完結之前離職,則需要立即連同有關利息在內,將未扣減的餘款一併清還。 而在上一次預支薪金後,尚未還清金額,則通常不獲准預支另一筆薪金。 詳情可參閱《公務員事務規例》第618至639條。 2. 員工濟急基金. 濟急基金一般為總薪級表第19點或以下薪酬的非紀律部隊人員以及第一標準薪級表的員工,提供應急經濟援助。

    • What Is Tax Loan?
    • Tax Loan Strategy – The Selling Points of Tax Loan in HK
    • Tax Loan Strategy – Comparison of Different Tax Loans
    • Tax Loan Comparison Criteria (3): Beware of Any Additional Charges/Fees
    • Tax Loan Strategy – Bank vs Money Lenders
    • Note 1: Approval Time
    • Note 2: Supporting Documents
    • Note 3: Repayment Period
    • Tax Loan Strategy – Promise's Low-Interest Personal Loan
    • How to Apply Tax Loan at Promise?

    Tax loan is a type of personal instalment loan. It is a tailor-made seasonal loan product during Hong Kong tax season (October to April of following year).

    Tax loan in HK mainly targets salaryman who need to pay taxes and its original purpose is to reduce the financial burden of applicants by lending money to them for tax payments. Tax season is like a special offer period in the loan industry, and one of the features of tax loan in HK is the lower interest rates in comparison with other personal loan...

    What criteria should be used for choosing the best tax loan in HK? You may take reference of below three criteria to choose the most suitable tax loan for yourself.

    As some of the banks or money lenders may charge you different kinds of loan withdrawal handling fee or other administrative fees. Therefore, when comparing different tax loan products, you should be aware of any additional charges/fees, such as early redemption penalty etc, in order to avoid unnecessary expense.

    Many people who are applying tax loans may struggle between the offers from banks and money lenders. 3 main differences between banks and money lenders have been listed as follows for you to check out before applying tax loans:

    As the demand of tax loan is relatively high during tax season, while banks are closed during bank holidays, the processing time may last for one week or more, those who have an urgent need for cash flow or paying tax by cash should be aware of the risk of processing time. While various money lenders features express approval. Taking Promise as an ...

    Tax loan application at banks may be more complicated, you may be required to provide different kinds of supporting documents like pay slip, tax bill, bank statement as income proofs when applying tax loan or other personal loans at banks. The tax loan application may be rejected if applicants fail to submit all the required supporting documents. T...

    As tax loan is a low-interest loan product, the repayment period offered by banks may mainly vary from 12 to 24 months only. While money lenders may offer a more flexible repayment plan. For example, Promise offers repayment period varies from 3 to 84 months, allowing you to select the most suitable repayment plan.

    Based on the results of above tax loan strategy comparison, money lenders may offer personal loanswith more flexible repayment plan. The application process and supporting documents submission are simpler too. Applicants may be able to obtain the approval results in a shorter period of time to meet your urgent need for cash flow.

    Promise's low-interest personal loan is popular during tax season, because of its flexible repayment period up to 84 months and it's simple loan application process. Applicants can apply loan through Promise website by completing the online loan application form and uploading ID card and other required documents. Applicants can then receive online ...

  5. 公司活動. 慈善及員工活動. 邦民積極履行積極實踐ESG及可持續發展理念,致力服務有需要人士和推動環境保護,在回饋社會的同時,更希望員工可藉此為自己及他人生命帶來色彩。 邦民深明融洽的員工關係有助締造良好工作環境,因此每年均會舉辦多元化的活動,供員工於工餘時間參與,望有助增進員工之間的感情,同時鼓勵員工在工作和生活之間取得平衡。 了解更多. 家庭友善僱主. 邦民明白家庭是員工努力拼搏的原動力,為了讓員工更有效平衡工作與家庭責任,因此參加了「家庭友善僱主獎勵計劃」,於公司締造家庭友善僱傭措施及環境。 員工培訓. 邦民鼓勵員工終生學習,亦為員工提供參與不同活動的機會,以提升個人及團體能力。

  6. 了解詳情. 會員優惠. 邦民「友著數」會員推薦計劃. 現有客戶成功推薦親友申請及於2024年6月30日或之前提取貸款,推薦人可獲獎現金港幣$1,000 。 了解詳情. 最新影片. 《免入息證明,輕鬆貸款》 邦民全心應援你! 無論在職或自僱,無需證明文件,有身份證及手提電話 # 就申請得! 新客戶獎現金高達HK$10,000 ! 電視廣告. 《無需現身,邊度貸款都得》 邦民時刻應援你! 由申請至過數都無需現身 * ,助你向夢想衝刺! 新客戶獎現金高達HK$10,000 ! 電視廣告. 《轉數快過數,貸款一批即到手》 邦民全速應援你! 轉數快極速過數 ^ ,貸款一批即到手,助你捕捉機會! 新客戶獎現金高達HK$10,000 ! 電視廣告. 《免入息證明,輕鬆貸款》 邦民全心應援你!