雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 敗血症(敗血病)病因,臨床表現,檢查,3.病原學,診斷,鑑別診斷,併發症,治療,預防, 以下這些都可能導致敗血病的發生:皮膚、黏膜發生破損和傷口感染、大面積燒傷、開放性骨折、癤、癰、感染性腹瀉、化膿性腹膜炎;各種慢性病如營養不良、血液病(特別伴白細胞缺乏者)、腎病綜合徵、肝硬化 ...

  2. 3 天前 · Welcome to the most comprehensive wiki about the Minecraft franchise! We are a community-run, publicly accessible and editable website that can be improved by everyone. Learn more about us here! Minecraft Legends is a real-time action strategy game where the player takes on the third person perspective of a legendary hero whose mission is to defend the Overworld from the piglins by protecting ...

  3. 敗血性休克(英語: Septic shock ),又稱感染性休克,是指罹患嚴重敗血症(sepsis)的部分病人,敗血症是種身體對感染的反應。 病人出現無法由搶救輸液(fluid resuscitation)挽回的低血壓,從而產生器官灌注(perfusion)異常,導致如乳酸 中毒(lactic acidosis)、少尿(oliguria)、或急性精神異常的情況。

  4. 敗血病及壞血病. 近來有病人疑於接受美容注射後不幸感染敗血病而死亡,或須截肢保命,敗血病的發生是源於微生物 (如病菌、病毒或真菌等)入侵體內,並於血液中繁殖,引起體內免疫系統的反應,從而破壞各器官的功能。. 一般而言,大部份敗血病的病例 ...

  5. Chinese [ edit] “ corrupted blood ”, blood which has left the intravascular space due to inflammation and become necrotic in tissues. ailment; illness; disease. ailment; illness; disease; fall ill; sick; defect. trad.

  6. Here's a quick reference of the core Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition rules as implemented in Baldur's Gate 3. See also: D&D 5e rule changes. Rolls. Initiative. The roll you make to determine when it will be your turn at start of combat. Attack roll. The roll you make to determine whether an attack hits an enemy at all. Damage roll.

  7. 凝血. 血液凝固,或称为 凝血 指的是血液由液体状态转变为不流动的凝胶状态的过程,是生理性止血的重要环节。. 血液凝固的实质就是血浆中的可溶性纤维蛋白原变成不可溶的纤维蛋白的过程。. 凝血系统的作用包括: (1) 维持血管内血液处于流体状态且没有凝 ...

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