雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年2月29日 · 羽子板還被指定為東京的傳統工藝品。. 做工精美,富有和式氣息。. 大家聽說過だるま落し(不倒翁)、けんだま(劍玉)、力士こま(力士陀螺)…這些玩具嗎?. 小編精選了五個精緻又有趣的日本傳統民藝玩具,買來放在家裡既可以娛樂,又可以做精美的 ...

  2. 2016年4月12日 · Moving to Japan to teach English is an exciting, but nerve-racking, prospect. People have been at this for a while, so fortunately there's a wealth of helpful information right at your fingertips: from where to buy groceries to how to manage unruly middle school students.

  3. 教科書上的ヤバイ大部分都有危險不妙的意思但現在的年青人卻很喜歡用ヤバイ來形容一些好的感覺」,特別是用在好吃的東西上或是吃到美味的食物都會開心的叫一句ヤバイね〜」。 奇妙的是除了形容美好的事物外,大家還是會用ヤバイ去形容「負面的東西」,所以大家聽到ヤバイ時一定要好好去看說話者的表情。 光是這樣曖昧的說法就證明了在日本生活,除了要讀空氣之外,也要看表情呢! Art of life & travel; local vs. foreign. It's me, it's not me; but definitely for you. #Followme, together we tell a story.

  4. 3.手鞠. 手鞠在7世紀從中國傳入日本, 是非常有歷史的玩具。. 起初,手鞠是用舊和服做成的手球,是女孩子們只有在新年時才會玩的玩具。. 隨著時代的變遷,手鞠不再是女孩子專屬的玩具,現在,無論男女,都可以大大方方玩起手鞠了,而且也無需等到新年 ...

  5. 2016年4月11日 · At a junior high school in Japan, also called a chu-gakko (literally, middle school), students are usually between the ages of 13 to 15, and it covers the seventh, eighth and ninth years of a student’s education. However, naming conventions for school years in Japan are a bit different, as they refer to the time spent at a particular type of ...

  6. 如同其名,祖祭的花火都是特大完美型,散發在空中造型多變,有著藝術品般的驚豔色彩。 2萬5千發花火放在其他大會,大概需要2小時才能結束,但是在這裡,主辦方卻可以在1小時內放完,一聲接一聲,一朵接一朵,無間斷超High花火體驗,誠意滿分。

  7. 2018年1月1日 · For ¥1,720 (¥1,550 with a reservation) you can place yosegi zaiku -style stickers on a four-step himitsu-bako, then sand and wax the surface to make a functional finished product to take home. Hakone Maruyama Head Office. Address: 17 Hakone, Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa. Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.