雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年10月16日 · Teaching at a Japanese University. Wendell T. Harrison Updated October 16, 2017. Teaching English FAQ. Landing a teaching job in Japan isn't particularly difficult. In most cases, you'll get hired without ever stepping foot into the country, provided you have a bachelor's degree, proven English competency, and don't completely blow the interview.

  2. 教職員原則上被要求必須要是基督徒不過也有極少數非基督徒的教授與講師存在。 ICU的教育特色在於采用博雅教育(liberal arts)的理念,教育理念為“和平”“學術基礎”“專門知識”,透過日語與英語的雙語教育達成世界基準的“全人教育”,鼓勵海外留學。全校共通的科目以語言學教育為主軸, 學校中的課程約有3分之1為英語授課,不只是英語圈,也聚集了來自世界各地的教授與講師。 該校著名校友有現索尼CEO平井一夫等。 每年12月,在 專業音樂教師的指導下,國際基督教大學的師生們都會舉行聖歌演唱和交響樂、管風琴演奏,用各國語言朗讀聖經的環節很是感人。 值得一提的是,聖歌的演奏全部由學生擔任。 最後是在大學禮拜堂舉行大學燭光禮拜,學生們在燭光下虔誠禮拜。

  3. 2016年4月12日 · Japan has a huge job market for English teaching. In a world that continues to globalize, jobs and opportunities to teach the youth of Japan are in steady supply. We’ve got a brief introduction into what it’s like teaching senior high school students, so grab your pen and notebook and get ready to take notes! A Glimpse of Your Average High School.

  4. 2016年4月11日 · Teaching at a Junior High School in Japan. Nicholas Rich Updated April 11, 2016. Teaching English. www.crymore.net. Deciding to become a teacher in Japan offers a lot of exciting opportunities to enjoy unique experiences and insight into an amazing culture.

  5. 2016年4月11日 · Students would kneel and put both hands on a wet cloth (or zokin) in front of them, elbows locked in position. They would then raise their rear-ends into the air so the their torsos would make a 35- to 45-degree angle with the floor. Once their rear-ends would go up, they would start running on their toes. It looked like exercise and cleaning ...

  6. 2016年4月12日 · 7 Key Resource Sites for English Teachers. Jessica Famularo Updated April 12, 2016. Teaching English. Moving to Japan to teach English is an exciting, but nerve-racking, prospect.

  7. 2016年4月12日 · Tips. 6 Surprising Things about Japanese Schools. Michael Kanert Updated April 12, 2016. Teaching English. If you're stepping into a Japanese school for the first time, there are a number of things that will likely be quite different from your own school days at home.

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