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  1. 2. 貸款利息. 若要借錢,當然利率愈低愈好,高利率會增加貸款成本。 所以借錢前要清楚了解,利率的計算方法,包括月平息﹑日息等等。 考慮各款產品時,也要比較各產品的實際年利率。 邦民私人貸款是以日息計算,而且息隨本減,較一般的「月息計算」更划算。 邦民貸款產品的實際年利率更低至1.12%,您更可以利用 貸款計算機 ,計算出還款金額及期限作參考,全面評估借錢成本。 3. 費用. 坊間有些財務機構批出貸款時會收取手續費及行政費用。 所以比較各貸款產品借錢時,您亦需要確定貸款是否有其他額外隱藏成本,或者潛在借貸利息收費,從而令你的貸款成本增加。 邦民絕無其他隱藏收費,豁免任何貸款手續費,讓客戶可取得全數貸款。 貸款成本一目了然,借錢自然更安心。 4. 申請文件.

  2. Let's take a look at the differences between Promise's revolving loan and typical personal loans. Find out what they entail before you borrow so you may choose the right loan product for you. Your Loan, Your Call. Normally, a typical loan process involves the application, approval, and fund transfer which are one-time procedure.

  3. 所有示例資訊只作參考,最終批核按個別申請人之實際情況而定:. 貸款額:HK$200,000. 利率:月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計) 按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免. 每月還款金額為HK$5,940;總還款額為HK$213,840. © 邦民日本財務 (香港)有限公司。. 版權所有 不得轉載 ...

  4. 立即申請. 申請私人貸款前,學習更多有關貸款的小知識,了解貸款申請及批核時或可用到的小貼士。. 讓你做個精明借貸者,解決資金周轉煩惱並助您實現財務目標。. 立即了解更多!.

  5. This article will show you the differences between monthly flat rate and annual percentage rate. What is "monthly flat rate"? Does a low "monthly flat rate" = low interest? Generally, many personal loan companies use a 'monthly flat rate' to calculate the monthly repayment amount and loan interest.

  6. When borrowing money, it's better to choose a loan product with lower interest rate because a higher interest rate will increase the total cost of a loan. Before borrowing money, you should learn about different methods of interest calculation such as monthly flat-rate, day rate, etc.

  7. Promise provides you with different types of loan knowledge before making any loan applications! Civil Servant Loan Tips and Things to Note | Debunking Civil Servant Loan Myths. Clear up the myths and misunderstandings about civil servant loans, and wave away your financial worries!