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  1. STEP 1. Visit Standard Chartered Priority Private webpage. STEP 2. Select “PP Privileges” and proceed to “Global Experiences” or Website URL- scglobalexperiences.tenconcierge.com. STEP 3. Select the country and language preference, “Singapore English” or “新加坡 (简体中⽂)” STEP 4. Enter your Membership code and proceed with the registration.

  2. *SingPass holders with a MyInfo profile can use MyInfo to automatically fill up the form. By clicking “Next”, you will be re-directed to the MyInfo portal, which is not owned or controlled by Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited or any member of the Standard Chartered Group (the “Bank”).

  3. Important Information. eStatement/eAdvice Notice. As part of our continual efforts to go green, please note that your paper statements and selected paper notices will automatically be converted to eStatements and eAdvices respectively from December 2020. Benefits of eStatements and eAdvices.

  4. 2024年2月17日 · 我们的国际客户经理致力于增长并保护您的财富。. 更重要的是,他们了解您的文化并说着您的语言。. 在亚洲、非洲及中东逾30多个地区均享有同等优先理财尊贵身份。. 日程繁忙之际何妨稍息片刻,前来我们新加坡的 International Banking Centre 享用免费茶点,休闲 ...

  5. 渣打銀行優先理財全球銀行金融服務提供多元服務,渣打集團優先理財貴賓中心遍布大中華、東南亞、中東及非洲之主要城市,提供您便捷之全球金融服務。當您在任何一個渣打據點開戶並成為優先理財貴賓,貴賓身份延伸至全球,在其他渣打據點享有貴賓禮遇。此外也提供跨境人民幣匯入服務及 ...

  6. Have net financial assets (net of any related liabilities) exceeding S$1,000,000 (or its equivalent in foreign currency), OR. Have net personal assets exceeding S$2,000,000 (or its equivalent in foreign currency), of which net equity of the individual’s primary residence is no more than S$1,000,000. To find out more about the AI regime ...

  7. 適用條件. 新資金優惠:適用於申請人於承作本定存活動時於本行存款餘額 (含台外幣活期存款及外幣定期存款餘額)相較活動基準日 (2024年2月29日)淨增加之金額,且不適用外幣定存到期或解約資金。 該新資金須已轉入欲承作幣別活期帳戶,始可適用。 續存優惠:適用於申請人自活動基準日 (2024年2月29日)前承作且於活動期間內到期之外幣定期資金。 且該資金到期存入活期後,該幣別活期餘額相較活動基準日須符合淨增加之條件,始可適用。