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  1. 2023年9月14日 · 東京晴空塔. 2011年,東京晴空塔被吉尼斯世界紀錄認證為世界上最高的塔。. 您可以在黃昏前去,從展望台上眺望東京從白天漸漸變成夜晚的夢幻般的景色。. 在晴朗的日子還可以看到富士山。. 在東京晴空塔底下的購物中心東京晴空街道裡有著300間以上的店鋪 ...

  2. 2012年2月24日 · SHIBUYA SKY是高達229公尺的戶外瞭望台,能眺望東京美景,本篇文章將會為您介紹門票、營業時間等最新資訊。.

  3. 2023年10月6日 · Most of the goods sold are one-offs, making this arcade a worthwhile place to shop for one-of-a-kind mementos and souvenirs. The only thing geeky about 2k540 is its name. A nod to railway terminology, “2k540 Aki-Oka Artisan” refers to both its distance from Tokyo Station (2.54 kilometers) and its location between Akihabara (Aki) and ...

    • About Harajuku
    • How to Get There
    • The Epicenter of Japanese Anime and ‘Kawaii’ Culture
    • Get to Know The World-Famous Harajuku Street Fashion
    • Shop ‘Til You Drop at The Hundreds of Stores Lining Harajuku’s Small Streets
    • Make Your Friends Jealous with Instagram-Worthy Harajuku Food
    • Take A Break from Shopping at The Urban Oasis Yoyogi Park

    Harajuku (原宿 in Japanese) is a station located between Shibuya and Shinjuku on the JR Yamanote loop line around central Tokyo. Many people get off the train at Harajuku Station to visit such popular spots as Yoyogi Park, Meiji Shrine and Omotesando, a boulevard of luxury brands and other high-end shopping experiences. Historically, Harajuku was a p...

    Harajuku Station on the JR Yamanote Line is the main access point, but you can also access the area from Meiji-jingumae Station on Tokyo Metro's Chiyoda and Fukutoshin lines. It takes around 10 minutes to walk from Harajuku Station to Aoyama or Omotesando and 20 minutes to the Shibuya area. From Haneda Airport: 50 minutes by train to Harajuku Stati...

    Even if you have never been to Harajuku, the name may sound familiar thanks to Gwen Stefani’s pop hit “Harajuku Girls.” In Japan, the area is well-known to just about everyone—particularly fashion-conscious teenagers and young adults. In recent years, Japanese pop singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu gained international fame for her Harajuku aesthetic and cat...

    Harajuku styles range from the cute and casual to the extreme. On any given day here, you could run into elegant lolitas in dresses, heavily-pierced goths with long hair, or decora kei enthusiasts wearing colorful wigs. Since Harajuku is the land of free-spirited fashion, you may even run into cosplayers. Though Harajuku’s true heyday of wild fashi...

    Takeshita Street

    Harajuku’s iconic main street, Takeshita Street, is a must-see on a trip to Harajuku. Located just steps from Harajuku Station, this pedestrian paradise is generally packed most days of the year. Here, you can find some large-scale stores like the hundred-yen shop Daiso or drugstores selling makeup, but for the most part, the street is lined with small, quirky shops hawking inexpensive clothes and accessories. Though it may be a bit of a sensory overload, it is a can’t-miss destination that i...

    Cat Street

    Cat Street is the more grown-up version of Takeshita Street, attracting a slightly older crowd. Located between Shibuya and Harajuku, Cat Street is home to a variety of shops ranging from small upscale boutiques to big international brand stores. On Cat Street, you can find anything from a one-of-a-kind vintage sweater to a pair of high-end designer shoes—but unfortunately, there are no cats to be seen here.

    Laforet Harajuku, Kiddy Land, and more in Omotesando

    Laforet Harajuku is a funky, maze-like shopping center located across the street from the mirror-like Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Harajuku. Inside, you can find shops by local Tokyo brands right next to well-known international boutiques. Give yourself a Harajuku makeover by decking yourself out from top to bottom. Men and women can find items like hoodies, jackets, shirts, and pants here. The fun is all in finding your new favorite stores. Check out the second floor for a variety of dining option...

    If you think all of this shopping might make you hungry, you’re in luck, as Harajuku has plenty of street food and other dining options for hungry shoppers. Traditionally, most Japanese people associate a trip to Harajuku with a sweet or savory crepe—chocolate banana is a long-time favorite. Another favorite is hattogu, a distant Korean relative of...

    Got too many shopping bags to carry, or have you simply bought too many cute and fashionable bags? You deserve a well-earned break, so put your bags in a coin locker and head to Yoyogi Park or Meiji Shrine. At Yoyogi Park, you can generally find anyone from office workers to families with children and dogs relaxing in the wide-open green space. Bri...

  4. 2023年8月26日 · ©東京高圓寺阿波舞大會. Updated: September 1, 2023. ※2023年的活動已結束。 與往年一樣,屆時會有1萬名舞者與100萬名觀眾前來與會,高圓寺阿波舞蔚為東京的夏日風情畫之一。 此活動已有66年歷史,其理念是希望透過舞者們的笑容,為街區與民眾帶來元氣與活力。 今年將時隔4年再次進行室外演出,會在8個會場進行激情四射的舞蹈表演。 此外,白天還將在2個會場進行精心製作的舞台演出。 高圓寺街區將重拾被阿波舞渲染的2日繁華。 ©東京高圓寺阿波舞大會. 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 東京西部. 高圓寺. 關鍵詞. 8月. 夏. 開放時間. ※詳情請確認網。 費用. ※詳情請確認網。 關於舉辦狀況、時間及費用等最新資訊,請至各活動官方網站查詢。 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 >

  5. 2020年11月24日 · 1. 旅程就此展開. 淺草站. 搭乘東京Metro地鐵銀座線、都營淺草線或東武晴空塔線皆能到達淺草,因此相當容易迷路,請留意路標指示。 若想前往淺草寺,請跟著「雷門方向驗票口」的標示走。 此外,東武晴空塔線「淺草」站直達的購物中心「EKIMISE」內還有餐廳與伴手禮店。 2分鐘. 提供各种旅游服务. 淺草文化觀光中心除了由志工提供多國語言外,其時尚木造建築也不容錯過。 參觀常設展及其他文化活動後,可前往頂樓眺望絕佳景致。 這裡也設有咖啡廳、休息區及洗手間。 5分鐘. 3. 厚重沉穩的寺院大門. 雷門. 懸掛大型紅色燈籠的雷門位於淺草文化觀光中心的對面,是淺草寺的入口,相當氣派。 燈籠上寫著「雷門」,兩旁有相貌懾人的風神與雷神守護大門,這裡同時也是熱門的拍照景點。 6分鐘. 4.

  6. 2019年1月15日 · New & Trending 能感受遊戲與動畫世界觀的「聯名咖啡廳」魅力 刀劍亂舞2.5D咖啡廳×刀劍茶寮/偶像夢幻祭×animate cafe 期間限定的「聯名咖啡廳」餐飲服務現正引發話題,這些咖啡廳以熱門遊戲或動畫的世界觀進行裝潢,在店內能享用以登場角色為主題的獨創餐點與飲品。

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