雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1 JPY =

    0.053 HKD

  2. Charter on Good Practices of Estate Agents in Handling Subdivided Unit Tenancy. 「經由持牌地產代理/營業員出租劏房」單張. “Letting of subdivided units by licensed estate agents/salespersons” leaflet. 消費者教育短片:境外樓花買唔買?. 計過風險先好買!. Consumer education videos about purchasing ...

  3. EAA operates a mandatory provident fund scheme (“MPF scheme”) in Hong Kong. The assets of the MPF scheme are held in a separate trustee – administered fund. Both EAA and the employees are required to contribute 5% of the employee’s relevant income up to a maximum of HK$1,500 (2019: HK$1,500) per employee per month.

  4. Estate Agents’ community service for Mid-Autumn Festival The “Q&A” of the Practice Circular on Good and Effective Competition Practices (1) – Charging of Commission and Offering of Incentives E-leaflet for licensees to explain to customers about the AMLO’s requirement of obtaining customers’ identity document and keep a copy for record The EAA issues a new Practice Circular on good ...

    • 日元兌港元1
    • 日元兌港元2
    • 日元兌港元3
    • 日元兌港元4
    • 日元兌港元5
  5. Expenditure Auditor’s remuneration Community education expenses Complaints, investigation and disciplinary proceedings expenses Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Depreciation of right-of-use assets

  6. 僱員福利 ─ 公積金保障 計劃(「 強積金計劃」)。強積金計劃的資產由獨� 受託人管理的基金持有。監管局及其僱員每月均須繳納相等於僱員有關收入5% 的� � 款, 上限為港幣1,000 元。監管局向強積金計劃的�

  7. 於2017 年3 月31日,資本項目基金結餘包括預留作日後可能購置永久辦公室的款項115,592,159 港元(2016年: Capital project fund balance at 31 March 2017 included an amount of HK$115,592,159 (2016: HK$105,700,790) which represents funds for the possible acquisition of permanent office accommodation . 90港元)�. in future. 現金流量表. Statement of Cash Flows. 截至2017 年3 月31日止年度.

  8. 2014. 港元. HK$ 載於第101 至122 頁之財務報表於2015年8 月25日獲監管局全體成員批准及授權刊發,並由以下代表簽署: 梁永祥. 主席. 韓婉萍. 行政總裁. The financial statements on pages 101 to 122 were approved and authorised for issue by the Members of the Estate Agents Authority on 25 August 2015 and are signed on their behalf by: William LEUNG Wing-cheung. Chairman. Ruby HON. Chief Executive Officer. 儲備變動表

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