雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 日本におけるスタンダードチャータード. アジア・アフリカ・中東地域における先駆者を目指して. アジア・アフリカ・中東地域の専門知識とネットワークで. 企業様の事業展開をサポートいたします。. 詳しくはこちら. スタンダードチャータード銀行東京 ...

  2. 2024年3月22日 · 外匯周報 – 2024年3月19日. 日本央行議息後日圓急跌. 議息結果公布後,每百日圓兌港元跌穿過5.2的兩周低位,較3月初高位5.33以上,低出約2%。. 日本央行17年來首次加息,宣布結束負利率政策,將基準利率調高至0至0.1厘,同時結束孳息率曲線控制政策。.

  3. 特區政府亦進一步縮短檢疫期^,令不少喜愛旅遊的香港人相當心動想衝出香港,令不少喜愛旅遊的香港人相當心動想衝出香港,而日本當然是大部份港人的首選目的地。. 若計劃入手日圓或其他外幣作為旅行使費的朋友,可以使用渣打SC Mobile 一站式外匯交易平台 ...

  4. Financial Markets. Standard Chartered Japan provides clients with innovative, appropriate solutions for managing cross-border interest rate and currency risks. By leveraging our expertise gained through experience in local markets, our extensive global network and our excellent track record in emerging markets, we provide support for access ...

    • Global Network
    • The Birth of Standard Chartered Bank
    • Chartered Bank
    • Standard Bank in Japan
    • Post-War Progress
    • The 1980’s
    • The 1990’s
    • Today
    • History of Standard Chartered Bank

    Standard Chartered Bank (Headquartered in London, England, trading as Standard Chartered PLC) is a major international bank with a worldwide business network in 59 markets.

    The Standard Chartered Bank was established in 1969 from a merger between the Standard Bank of British South Africa and the Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China.

    The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China quickly established branches across Asia and provided financing for local companies. In 1862, the bank received a Hong Kong license to issue banknotes for the Hong Kong dollar and various other Asian currencies. Today Standard Chartered Bank is one of only three banks issuing banknotes for Hong Kong.

    The Standard Bank of British South Africa began operations in South Africa and aggressively expanded into several African countries and later established branches in Asia. The first Japan office was established in 1880 in Yokohama. Many bank staff lost their lives in the Great Tokyo Earthquake of 1923. The bank operations were also significantly af...

    After the Second World war, both banks continued to build their global networks through strategic mergers and expansion of their operations while many Asian and African countries achieved independence. The Standard Chartered Bank was established in 1969 through a friendly merger between the two banks and they later established a presence in Britain...

    In 1980, Standard Chartered Bank leveraged the stable foundation built in Asia, Africa and the Middle East and focused on its core business of Consumer finance, Corporate Finance and Treasury services. The bank quickly became the leading financial institution, particularly in Europe, America and Africa. The group also underwent a major restructurin...

    In the 1990’s, more branch offices were established in Asia and South America. Standard Chartered Bank now has operations in every country in Asia Pacific except North Korea.

    Today, Standard Chartered Bank is a leading international bank offering world-class finance services via an extensive business network in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. We leverage our unique knowledge acquired through many years of experience in each region and strive to be “The Right Partner” to our corporate clients, offering top-class servic...

    Visit our global site for a comprehensive, interactive history detailing key events and acquisitions.

  5. スタンダード銀行は、南アフリカをはじめとするアフリカ各国に積極的な業務展開を行い、その後アジア数ヵ国にも支店を開設しました。. また、日本・横浜では、1880 年に初めての駐在員事務所を設立し、法人事業を展開してきましたが、1923 年の関東大 ...

  6. 2024年4月22日 · 不論身處何地均可於下列網絡提款及查詢戶口結餘,免除兌換現金的不便,既安全,又輕鬆。 「銀通」 超過 3,000 部渣打及「銀通」自動櫃員機遍佈香港、澳門及中國大陸。 「銀聯」 全球包括中國、日本、台灣等超過 100 個國家/地區,超過 1,400,000 部自動櫃員機。