雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Toby 伙拍全港最佳冷氣機工程公司為你提供專業上門檢查及維修冷氣機服務解決製冷滴水躁音等問題立即預約維修冷氣服務包括檢查冷氣機冷氣滴水維修分體冷氣安裝窗口冷氣安裝拆裝冷氣機換雪種冷氣機零件更換辦公室冷氣工程

    • (832)
  2. Toby洗冷氣服務覆蓋 全港十八區熱門地區洗冷氣服務包括北角洗冷氣青衣洗冷氣元朗洗冷氣將軍澳洗冷氣屯門洗冷氣西貢洗冷氣旺角洗冷氣等。. Toby 洗冷氣服務擁1000+以上5星好評伙拍全港最佳冷氣機清洗公司為你提供專業上門洗冷氣 ...

  3. (2個評價) 承包各項大小裝修工程風火水電監控消防冷氣無一不精價錢合理服務周到免費報價電話640***48有興趣跟本人汲. 立即獲取電器維修師傅報價. 駿煌工程設計. 3.6. (7個評價) 本公司提供各類室內裝修工程,包括油漆,水电,間格,泥水,天花,清拆,維修,防火門,及家居同装修後清潔等等,歡迎查詢. 立即獲取電器維修師傅報價. 譽高發展. 5.0. (1個評價)

  4. 窗口式冷氣機清洗早鳥85折). 已售8,189次. 採用日本進口環保冷氣機清洗劑及高壓噴水槍將窗口機拆下並深層清洗內層有效迅速去除各類頑固污漬窗口式冷氣機清洗程序跟足12項服務指標價錢明碼實價並享長達3個月免費保養。. $534/部起. 點擊查看 ...

    • (2.1K)
    • Which Air Conditioning Repair Service Is The Best?
    • Why Is Your Air Conditioner Not Working properly?
    • Scope of Air Conditioning Repair and Installation Services
    • What Types of Air Conditioning Systems Do You install?
    • How Can I Schedule An On-Site Air Conditioner Inspection and Repair Service?
    • How Much Does Air Conditioner Repair Typically Cost?
    • How Much Do Air Conditioner Repair Services Cost?
    • Toby's Air Conditioning Technicians Are Professionally Certified.

    Looking for recommended air-con technicians in Hong Kong, or want to schedule a home service for air-con repair or installation? Toby collaborates with the best air conditioning companies across Hong Kong to serve you. Our air conditioning service includes: air conditioner maintenance, air conditioner repair, air conditioner installation,etc. Our A...

    Whether it's the installation of split air conditioners, repair of dripping air conditioners, dismantling of air conditioning units, or resolving issues like non-cooling, frosting, our AC technicians can comprehensively and carefully inspect and diagnose the root cause of the problem of your air conditioners.

    The most common issue with residential air conditioners is water dripping. Depending on the model (window-type or split-type air conditioner), air conditioning technicians will conduct professional inspections and repairs. On the commercial front, the most frequent issues are component malfunctions, which require professional technicians to inspect...

    We install a wide variety of air conditioning systems, including central air conditioners, ductless mini-splits, window units, and more. Our expert technicians can recommend the best system tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

    If you notice any abnormalities with your air conditioner, you can click "Check Price" at the top of the page, select the number and type of air conditioners you need to be inspected and potentially repaired. Please briefly describe the malfunction and indicate your preferred time for the technician's visit to directly book the inspection service. ...

    The cost of air conditioning installation services varies, depending on factors such as the type of system, the size of your space, and the complexity of the AC installation process. Our team will provide you with a detailed estimate after assessing your specific needs during the consultation process.

    The basic on-site inspection fee of $400 does not include repair and parts costs.After the air conditioning diagnosis, the AC technician will provide a detailed quote for repairs or part replacements via Toby. If the client agrees, repairs can be made immediately or scheduled for another date. The detailed costs for all repairs and part replacement...

    Considering the potential risks in air conditioning works, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department stipulates that air conditioning technicians must be registered as an electrician at the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department of Hong Kong and receive relevant professional license. Air conditioner handymen have to receiveGrade R El...

  5. 更新於2024年01月12日. 冷氣機肯定是夏日必備的電器不過你對安裝冷氣機的指引又認識多少?. 冷氣機安裝可以說是學問多多冷氣機安裝位置不單會影響製冷表現更有可能導致牆身發霉!. Toby 為你提供冷氣機挑選小貼士和冷氣機安裝指引更提供安裝冷氣 ...

  6. 冷氣唔凍解決方法一清洗冷氣機. 冷氣機唔凍原因之一係長期沒有清洗冷氣機隔塵網勤加清洗冷氣可以減低冷氣機唔凍問題! DIY清洗冷氣機 的步驟簡單,除了清潔塵網外,你也可以在五金店、超市或日用品店購買冷氣機清潔劑,價格約$40-$50,就可以購買一枝冷氣清潔劑。 DIY清潔冷氣機前,可以先取下冷氣機外罩、取出塵網,然後直接將清潔劑噴在冷氣機的蒸發器盤管(凍Coil)上,等待5-10分鐘後,再輕輕擦掉即可。 不過,就算你每年都自己清潔冷氣,都係只能處理冷氣機表面問題,例如塵污。 其實冷氣機內散熱盤管(散熱 Coil)都一樣要徹底清潔。 一般的清潔方法包括拆除電線和機殼,甚至需要將窗口式冷氣機拆下清洗,過程複雜。 為免整壞部冷氣,大家最好都係請專業 洗冷氣 師傅最穏陣!