雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年3月29日 · As we wait for the next project by Makoto Shinkai—director of the highest-grossing anime film of all time, Your Name —CoMix Wave Films, the anime studio that’s produced the visuals for every one of Shinkai’s movies, has already lined up its next full-length animated feature, Shiki Oriori (Weaving Poems of the Seasons). If you don’t ...

  2. 2017年7月4日 · www.pcze.com. 說到夏日大作戰,當然就先要介紹導演細田守。. 細田守出身於日本富山縣從2005年個人執導動畫長片開始每部片子都非常成功不僅在日本國內票房大賣也獲得了日本包括世界的很多獎項。. http://www.zimuzu.tv/resource/27395. 首先是《穿越時空的少女 ...

  3. 2016年12月16日 · Anime Your Name passes Princess Mononoke on all-time Japanese box office list, is now at number 3. Makoto Shinkai’s Your Name is about to do something no non-Ghibli anime has ever done. The Makoto Shinkai film 'Your Name' now trails 'Frozen' in terms of Japanese earnings and is actually picking up momentum at the box office even months after ...

  4. 2017年5月22日 · That’s likely to be its world premiere, which would line up perfectly for a midsummer theatrical release in Japan, as has been the tradition for Hosoda’s films and anime prestige releases in general. Mamoru Hosoda, anime director of 'Summer Wars' and 'The Boy and the Beast' announces his new film that'll be a return to the human drama ...

  5. 緩徐散漫 關西三天兩夜自由行. 一月上旬,冬季折扣正打得如火如荼,街頭還有些新年的餘韻。. 為了見心愛的偶像一面,小編背起行囊從東京到了大阪。. 此行的目標很明確,就是全心投入當隻追星狗。. 但既然來都來了,不走跳一下好像說不過去。. 可是又 ...

  6. 但來到日本總是想說幾句日文的話,接下來的這10句購物時常用的日文,想信會讓你的日本好好逛好好買行程,變得更加順暢且愉快!. ①. 日文:ちょっと見るだけです。. 讀音:chyo-to-mi-ru-dake-desu. 中文:我只是看一下。. 解說:你也知道,日本服務員是很熱情 ...

  7. 2020年3月13日 · At Candy Show Time, a local hard candy shop in Harajuku, you can witness how hard candy goes from raw ingredients to an edible piece of art right before your eyes. The shop curates over 30 unique candy flavors, including quirky ones like yogurt & chili pepper. And after you've finished watching the free show, you can take home a bag for ¥500-900.