雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年1月10日 · Ghosn was awaiting trial in Japan on charges of financial misconduct. He stated from Lebanon late last year that Japan's justice system was unfair, and that he was a victim of political persecution. He gave a press conference to in Beirut on January 8, 2020, but there is still a fair amount of mystery surrounding the whole affair.

  2. 2017年10月14日 · The 4 Most Powerful Clans of Early Japan. Thomas Shiozaki Updated October 14, 2017. Samurai. The Heian Period (794-1185) saw Japan's capital return from Nara to Kyoto, where the imperial court flourished. Politics were dominated by four clans: the Minamoto, the Tiara, the Fujiwara and the Tachibana, known collectively as Gem-pei-to-kitsu (源平藤橘).

  3. 2016年7月25日 · Rock-paper-scissors, or Janken in Japanese, is a cultural keystone in Japan, with all kinds of disputes, disagreements and predicaments being resolved through the game’s simple mechanics. Rock-paper-scissors apparently originated in China (or, at least, that’s where the first historical mention of the game came from), and it’s used ...

  4. 2017年12月21日 · The shrine was known as Hakone Gongen (箱根権現, where gongen means "incarnation" or "avatar") prior to the separation of Buddhism and Shintoism that came with the Meiji Restoration in 1868. It can be found ensconced in a forest, approached by an avenue of 800-year-old cedars. A long set of steps leads from the main hall (本殿・ honden ...

  5. 2017年11月2日 · The Iga ninja originated in Iga Province in the area around the towns of Iga and Ueno in Mie Prefecture. The Iga ninja trained in ninjutsu (the art of stealth) in the local mountains and forests, honing their secret art and skills over many centuries. These ninja were trained in the arts of disguise, escape, concealment, explosives, poison ...

  6. 2020年8月4日 · 1843年12月,长崎发生大火灾,油屋町和周围地区的526户人家受灾,大浦家也没能逃避劫难。目睹了一切天灾人祸的阿庆下决心重新振兴家业,这一年她16岁。 1844年,阿庆17岁那年的春天,阿庆的母亲佐惠为自己的女儿阿庆招天草的地主家的儿子秀三郎入赘,秀三郎当时在长崎学习荷兰的新学问。

  7. 2023年1月12日 · Historical. Horyu-ji's Famous Buddhist Monuments. John Asano Updated January 12, 2023. Temples Historical Site World Heritage Buddhism Nara. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Horyu-ji is one of the most celebrated temples in Japan, with its main hall and pagoda believed to be some of the oldest surviving wooden buildings in the world.

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