雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. www.stellarhouse.hk星月居

    星月居由張嘉慶聯同主廚陳日生打造完美融合傳統與現代將原本私藏在私人會所的地道粵菜帶給每一位饕客張嘉慶將對食物的熱愛注入星月居他放棄律師專業選擇追尋夢想推廣傳統粵菜讓年輕一代重新認識粵式飲食張嘉慶認為民以食為天星月居以宴會式餐飲讓親友間的聚會能透過美食分享愛。 主廚陳日生於業界享負盛名,尤其擅於烹調傳統粵菜,歷經三十多年歲月打磨的廚藝,絕對是您品嘗粵菜的首選。 陳師傅曾於順德聯誼總會掌廚,希望透過星月居,將以往只能在私人會所嚐到的絕佳手藝帶給公眾。 張嘉慶與陳師傅攜手合作,恢復香港飲食文化的活力。 餐廳概念. 星月居將隱藏於私人會所的傳統粵菜帶到餐廳,並邀請到在粵菜界中聲望甚高、曾為順德聯誼總會主廚的陳日生師傅掌廚。

    • 星月居會所1
    • 星月居會所2
    • 星月居會所3
    • 星月居會所4
    • 星月居會所5
  2. BOOK. We take bookings only by the table and all tables must be booked in advance. Menus are created for each table ahead of the night and they are curated seasonally, with the option to tailor the menu to each party’s specific tastes. Booking by Phone: (+852) 3702 1882. Opening Hours: Mon – Sun: 11:30 – 15:00, 18:00 - 23:00.

  3. Booking by Phone: (+852) 3702 1882. Opening Hours: Mon – Sun: 11:30 – 15:00, 18:00 - 23:00. EXCEPTION: Closed every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month (may vary) Menus start from $ 6000 HKD per table, no minimum number of guests. A table can seat 8-10 people very comfortably, but not exceeding 12 people.

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