雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Find information relating to our services, terms and conditions and other updates. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings.

  2. (852) 2521 1661. 熱線服務時間: 星期一至星期五. 早上八時三十分至下午五時三十分. (公眾假期除外) 傳真. (852) 2810 0145. 電郵. nettrader@hsbc.com.hk. 安排回電. 投訴處理. 滙豐金融提供不同途徑以供閣下提交投訴(電郵,電話,書信,回電,傳真,或親臨滙豐金融) 當收到該投訴 (由工作天起計),我們會於兩個工作天內以電話 / 書面確認收訖,有關調查進度或結果將於七個工作天內以電話或書面形式回覆閣下。 最終的調查結果會於投訴個案接收後三十個曆日內發出。 如需時跟進,我們將定時通知閣下,並提供有關個案負責職員的聯絡資料以作參考。

  3. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...

  4. Handling an estate Anyone responsible for dealing with the estate is generally known as a ‘Personal Representative‘, who will either be the ‘executor‘ or ‘administrator‘ depending on whether there is a Will. • If there is a Will, this person will be named as the ‘executor‘. ...

  5. Click to login

  6. Jenny chooses to pay premium over first 5 years, paying HKD113,455 annually and HKD567,275 in total. After 10-year accumulation period, if a Special Bonus of HKD210,135 is declared at the commencement of the annuity period and accumulated with interest (if any) in the plan. Both the Special Bonus and its accumulated interest (if any) will ...

  7. 1. 各方名錄. 營辦人及行政管理人. 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 香港皇后大道中1 號 滙豐總行大廈. 信託人及監管人. HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited 香港皇后大道中1 號 滙豐總行大廈. 投資經理. 滙豐投資基金 (香港) 有限公司 (適用於由成分基金直接或間接投資的核准匯集投資基金,但強積金保證基金除外) 香港皇后大道中1 號 滙豐總行大廈 . 恒生投資管理有限公司 (分別適用於恒指基金或恒生中國企業指數基金投資的核准緊貼指數集體投資計劃) 香港中環德輔道中83 號 . 滙豐環球投資管理 (香港) 有限公司 (僅適用於保證基金之以保險單形式成立的核准匯集投資基金) 香港皇后大道中1 號 滙豐總行大廈. 投資顧問.

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