雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HSBC Eminent Goal Multi-currency Insurance Plan is a long-term participating life insurance plan with a savings element, underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited ("HSBC Life"). It is not equivalent or similar to a bank deposit. Policyholders are subject to HSBC Life's credit risk and early surrender loss.

  2. 如何投保. 您須同時符合以下資格,才可投保「滙圖多元貨幣保險計劃」:. 「滙圖多元貨幣保險計劃」是具備儲蓄成分的長期分紅人壽保險計劃,由滙豐人壽保險(國際)有限公司(「滙豐保險」)承保,並非等同銀行存款計劃。. 保單持有人受滙豐保險之信貸 ...

  3. Or if you prefer, you can speak to us over the phone instead. Existing HSBC Premier Elite clients. (852) 2233 3033. New clients. (852) 2233 3377. Lines are open 24 hours.

  4. for details of the guarantee features (including in the context of payment of accrued benefits in instalments) and the ‘Guarantee Conditions’. MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits are payable on a Member’s 65th birthday or on early retirement on or after reaching age 60. The accrued benefits can be paid in one lump sum or in ...

  5. for details of the guarantee features (including in the context of payment of accrued benefits in instalments) and the ‘Guarantee Conditions’. MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits are payable on a Member’s 65th birthday or on early retirement on or after reaching age 60. The accrued benefits can be paid in one lump sum or in ...

  6. 如何分辨假冒來電?. 來電者可能自稱是滙豐或其他金融機構的職員,並可能會邀請您申請私人貸款或信用卡。. 如接到報稱來自知名金融機構的來電,務必加以核實。. 應嘗試向來電者索取更多資料:詢問他們所屬部門的名稱及辦公室電話號碼,以及他們是如何 ...

  7. 上述的投資目標只簡述智選計劃內各基金的投資目標。有關詳情,請參閱強積金計劃說明書(PDF)。 本網頁須連同強積金計劃說明書(PDF)一併閱讀。 該文件刊載滙豐強積金智選計劃之詳細資料,包括基金結構、費用及收費,以及將來有權修訂有關費用及收費的有關條文。