雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024母親節行程推薦-舒壓放鬆比起買蛋糕、買花束,更讓人感動的是多花點時間陪伴媽咪呢? ... 貼心寵愛禮五選都在這~2023最佳母親節禮物就在這!每樣都超適合送媽媽,把你的愛獻給最偉大的女人吧~💗預算不到3000?小資孝女看過來!

  2. 2023 年初公布的新電影名單應該就能了解岡恩的 10 年計劃,首先應該會先推出一部年輕版的超人電影。 超人電影有機會讓 DCU複製MCU 的成功模式。 岡恩在MCU推出的星際異攻隊的成功無疑是他被任命為 DC Studios 聯合執行長的一個關鍵因素。 目前,有四部即將上映的 DCU 電影計劃於明年上映,其中包括《閃電俠》。 目前尚不清楚這些故事是否會納入岡恩的計劃。 據報導,自 DC Studios 重組以來,傳聞中的未來項目,例如《神力女超人 3》和米高基頓主演的《蝙蝠俠》已經被取消,這表明該系列的許多最初計劃,可能還有角色,都已經被取消。 岡恩之前曾談到超人對DC 宇宙未來的重要性,雖然年輕的超人電影是目前唯一確認即將上映的電影,但還有許多其他重要角色也需要關注。

  3. 2024 brings MCU's Deadpool & Wolverine, which includes a scene of Deadpool making fun of Wolverine's iconic suit. Deadpool teases Wolverine's original comic suit with a jab about it looking like the Rams uniform, linking his comic costume colors to the NFL team.

  4. Joined by Dogpool, a samurai incarnation of Deadpool, Lady Deadpool and Kid Deadpool, Reynolds and Jackman's upcoming 2024 MCU debut has been hinted at being jam-packed with Deadpool variants. Deadpool 3 is expected to see Deadpool and Wolverine traveling the multiverse on their journey to the MCU's Earth-616, so it's very possible they could ...

  5. The runtime for Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is a first for the MCU"s Ant-Man franchise. But that"s not the only way Ant-Man 3 is breaking the mold. Starring Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, and newcomer Kathyrn Newton as Cassie Lang, Quantumania isn"t just launching Phase 5 of the MCU but also ushering in the Multiverse Saga"s big bad, Kang the Conqueror.

  6. 出現夜魔俠彩蛋,致敬經典情節. 正在拍攝的《美國隊長4:美麗新世界》近日曝出全新片場照,出現了與夜魔俠的聯動彩蛋。. 根據Murphy’s Multiverse發布的最新片場照,《美國隊長4:美麗新世界》搭建了一整條唐人街,並且名字為運河街,是漫畫中夜魔俠的經典 ...

  7. The change will take effect on Jan. 1, 2024. Still, the raise fell far short of what unions had asked for amid accelerating inflation. In August, they asked the Ministry of Labor to approve an increase to US$220, saying that rent, electricity and food costs have continued their COVID-19-era upward trend.