雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Many personal loans provided by typical finance institutions already have a fixed repayment amount and period, as well as penalty and handling fee. Compared to typical loans, Promise's revolving loan offers repayment periods from 6 months to 84 months for you to select.

  2. 供車上會實為傳統汽車貸款,主要有兩種:以「汽車貸款(租賃)」或「汽車貸款(租購)」形式計算,整個供車上會過程主要是由車行或汽車代理代辦,並由買家以分期方式償還汽車貸款;至於「租賃」或「租購」分別在於,前者需先繳付「首期」;而後者則 ...

  3. It is more cost-saving than products that calculate interest on a monthly rate basis. Promise also offers products with APR as low as 1.12%. You may also calculate the repayment amount and period using the loan calculator as a reference when you are considering the full cost of borrowing money. 3. Fee.

  4. Use Promise's loan calculator to calculate the repayment amount and repayment period of a personal loan for your reference, and see the cost of your loan clearly at a glance. Borrowing money is just that secure, without any hesitation!

  5. 買二手車流程攻略|買二手車流程、上會 vs 私人貸款、注意事項 香港交通雖然方便,不過很多人都會因為喜好、家庭需要等而選購私家車。然而,一手車的價錢昂貴,加上不少人鍾情中古車,導致二手車市場的興起。二手車市場主要分為車行買賣及私人 ...

  6. 經營業務以賺取利潤的東主/股東和出租物業以賺取租金的業主均須按標準稅率繳納利得稅及物業稅。 有關人士可透過選擇個人入息課稅,以申索寬減項目及按薪俸稅的累進稅率計算應繳稅款。 個人入息課稅免稅額計算. 個人免稅額計算其實與一般交稅計算大同小異,包括基本免稅額、已婚人士免稅額、子女免稅額、供養兄弟姊妹免稅額、供養父母 / 祖父母 / 外祖父母免稅額等。 不過上述提到以個人入息課稅作交稅計算方法,則有提供額外的免稅額計算,可扣減在有關課稅年度內的業務虧損,或物業租出的按揭貸款利息,不過需留意可扣除額不得超過該物業的應評稅淨值。 而以個人入息課稅作交稅計算方法,可以將其他收入抵銷其業務虧損,令交稅金額減少。 雖然免稅額計算相當複雜,但只要將免稅額計算得好,或會幫助您省下一筆!

  7. Knowledge on Personal Loan. When you need personal loans to achieve your financial goals or meet your immediate cash needs, you actually need to know more about loans in order to make responsible financial decisions. Promise provides you with different types of loan knowledge before making any loan applications!