雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 06. 12. 18. 24. 30. 36. 48. 60. 72. 每月還款額. $ 0. 立即申請. *上述每月還款額乃假設以每月平息利率0.2%及實際年利率4.49%計算,私人貸款及利息計算機之還款額及還款期數僅供參考。 邦民日本財務 (香港)有限公司擁有絕對貸款審批之最終決定權。 「每個月要還幾多利息? 這個問題不時令人懊惱。 因為即使了解貸款利息的計算機制及實際年利率,以一般計算機計算利息及還款時,都未必能夠計算出一個較接近實際情況的利息數字及還款額。 邦民為您提供快捷的利息預算工具。 使用邦民的私人貸款及利息計算機,已知實際年利率的情況下,令貸款利息的預算變得更簡單方便。 貸款前只需在貸款計算機上輸入貸款額、還款期等資料,私人貸款計算機便可估算每月還款及利息。

  2. 貸款產品資料概要: 還款期最短為3個月及最長為84個月。根據放債人條例,實際年利率不超過48%。所有示例資訊只作參考,最終批核按個別申請人之實際情況而定: 貸款額:HK$200,000 利率:月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計)

  3. Promise’s Personal Loan Calculator calculates monthly interest repayment with the annual percentage rate as a reference, so you can customise your loan amount and repayment period. Learn more now.

  4. 靈活還款. 靈活還款期由3個月至84個月,客戶可以隨時額外還款。. 邦民的還款方案以日息計算,利息只會計算至全數清還當日,亦不會收取提早清還手續費及罰息,減省不必要的利息開支。. 低年利率. 以貸款HK$200,000、月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計),按36個月 ...

  5. 根據放債人條例,實際利率最高為年息百分之36。以貸款HK$200,000、月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計),按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免,每月還款金額為HK$5,940。所有示例資訊只作參考,最終批核按個別申請人之實際情況而定。

  6. www.promise.com.hk › en › faqFAQ | Promise HK

    Interest Rate: Monthly flat rate of 0.2% (annual percentage rate of 4.49%) Repayment period of 36 months with no handling fee Monthly repayment amount will be HK$5,940; total repayment amount will be HK$213,840

  7. Flexibility is key in life. PROMISE's loans are applicable for university students as well, helping them get through times of hardship. Mr. Leung, 20 years old, Tertiary Student I have compared personal loan solutions which offer express approval from several loan providers, and applying via PROMISE's online platform is definitely the simplest and most convenient!