雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Many personal loans provided by typical finance institutions already have a fixed repayment amount and period, as well as penalty and handling fee. Compared to typical loans, Promise's revolving loan offers repayment periods from 6 months to 84 months for you to select.

    • 還款期。還款期直接影響每月的供款金額。還款期愈長,代表每月還款額愈低,還款壓力亦相對較低,但同時要留意總利息支出亦會相應而增加。所以申請貸款時,記得先了解自己的財政狀況及之後的還款能力,選擇適合自己的還款期。
    • 貸款利息。若要借錢,當然利率愈低愈好,高利率會增加貸款成本。所以借錢前要清楚了解,利率的計算方法,包括月平息﹑日息等等。考慮各款產品時,也要比較各產品的實際年利率。
    • 費用。坊間有些財務機構批出貸款時會收取手續費及行政費用。所以比較各貸款產品借錢時,您亦需要確定貸款是否有其他額外隱藏成本,或者潛在借貸利息收費,從而令你的貸款成本增加。
    • 申請文件。在申請貸款過程中,一般都要提供身份證、住址證明、入息證明等資料,以作審查。不少人因未能提交所需的證明文件,令貸款未能夠被順利批核。因此財務機構推出免證明文件的私人貸款方案,令申請手續更簡單快捷,財政困難更快得到解決。
  2. In addition, Promise's personal loan plan is flexible, with the actual annual interest rate as low as 1.12% and no additional charges for early settlement (e.g. penalty, handling fee, etc.). Want to find out the interest and cost of loans, but find it complicated to calculate the APR yourself?

  3. Promise truly got your back! Whether you are employed or self-employed, you can apply loan with just your ID card and mobile number #! No supporting documents are required! New customer will receive a cash reward of up to HK$10,000 ! Apply Now. Get a Personal Loan anytime, anywhere you are. The application process is quick and easy.

  4. Need cash urgently? Learn more details now on the differences between instant personal loan and other personal loan. Understanding how instant personal loan application can be approved instantly and funds being transferred straight away.

  5. If you want to receive the full amount of the loan you apply for, you need to know about the difference between licensed money lenders and financial intermediaries, and how to avoid the traps you can fall in to. What are financial intermediaries?

  6. Debtors should always consider other available repayment schemes for settling credit card debts, such as IVA, DRP or balance transfer plans offered by banks and financial institutions. This article will discuss the pros and cons of these options.