雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年9月19日 · Historic Photos of Japan Brought to Life by AI. Spoon & Tamago Updated September 22, 2017. Art Photography Technology. http://www.spoon-tamago.com/2017/09/19/historical-photos-japan-artificial-intelligence-colorization/#more-42221. For all their charm and nostalgia, black and white photos do create a certain disconnect between the past and present.

  2. 位於市區的國際通大街及市郊的首里城,是沖繩繁極ㄧ時的外交重心,同時作為祈禱國家安寧的聖地備受百姓敬仰,無疑是琉球王國象徵性的存在。 首里城雖飽受戰亂侵害,但現在城內建築大部分已被復原,拜訪這座滿含歷史余韻的古城,追溯琉球王國的榮華史蹟,仿佛琉球王國波瀾壯闊的 ...

  3. 2020年9月9日 · Ancient Ukiyo-e Battle Comes to Life. Artist Onogawa's 1-Centimeter-Wide Origami. In 2019, German photographer Ronny Behnert traveled around Japan visiting various torii gates. And while everyone who visits Japan surely has countless torii pictures, his long-exposure photos are like something from another world.

  4. 2020年2月5日 · Photography Shows Life in Japan 100 Years Ago. Eliza Scidmore was a force to be reckoned with. In the late 1800s to early 1900s, she traveled extensively across Asia, writing, photographing and publishing several books. She was one of the only women photographers employed by National Geographic and would later become the first female board ...

  5. 2016年6月6日 · Stunning Photos of Japan in 1908. Arnold Genthe (1869–1942) was a German-born photographer who emigrated to San Francisco at the age of 26 and made a name for himself photographing Chinatown, as well as the city’s wealthy socialites. In 1908, Genthe followed his passion for ukiyo-e prints, sparked by a chance meeting with Japanese art ...

  6. 京都之所以被稱為「京」甚至有「京味」,最大的原因是天皇居住在此,有了幾分皇氣。而14世紀末到明治初年,天皇的居所「京都御所」就坐落在烏丸通的一側。雖然現如今日本天皇的居所已經東遷到了東京,不過京都御所仍然由負責皇室事務的宮內廳管理。

  7. 2021年11月29日 · 无论是坐北陆新干线从东京出发,还是从大阪乘坐特急列车,只需2个半小时就能到达这座城市。而走出车站就会看到被选为“世界最美车站”之一的,以日本能乐鼓门为形象的“金泽站鼓门”。 13.7米高的褐红色手鼓形状大门把日本传统艺能与3000多片现代玻璃的车站本体建筑相结合,对于金泽 ...

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