雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The temple was demolished in 1947. At the request of the local residents, a new temple was built at the present site that completed in 1948. This is the Chinese Temples Committee administered temple. Origin of Temple The temple was built during the reign of Dao Guan (道光)(1821-1850) of Qing Dynasty (清朝). It was previously […]

  2. The temple was built in 1882 with a history of over 130 years, is a Grade III historical building. Origin of Temple The temple was built in 1882 by Hakka(客家) people who earned their living as fishermen. They believed that Tin Hau was their goddess and patron of their livelihood. Tin Hau Tin Hau who is also called […]

  3. www.ctc.org.hk › temple › 茶果嶺天后廟茶果嶺天后廟

    廟宇介紹 . 茶果嶺天后廟為三級歷史建築,舊址相傳在觀塘茜草灣畔,歷經變遷,1948年新廟於現址落成,並交委員會管理,成為委員會直轄廟宇。 主祀天后,其他神祇有華光先師、金花夫人、觀音、魯班先師、孔子先師、尉遲恭先師、李准及祝融伍丁先師。 主要節誕有觀音、天后及魯班誕。 開放時間:每天上午八時至下午五時。

  4. 華人廟宇委員會簡介. 華人廟宇委員會 (委員會),是根據香港法例 第153章 《華人廟宇條例》於1928年成立的法定機構。 委員會的主要職能是管理轄下24間廟宇,當中6間為法定古蹟,包括大坑蓮花宮、鴨脷洲洪聖古廟、九龍城侯王古廟、大澳楊侯古廟及灣仔玉虛宮 (北帝廟)和西貢佛堂門天后古廟。 另有2間為一級歷史建築,分別為紅磡觀音廟及長洲玉虛宮 (北帝廟)。 此外,還有大眾熟悉的沙田車公廟等。 委員會管理的「華人廟宇基金」及「華人慈善基金」是根據《香港稅務條例》第88條獲豁免繳稅的慈善信託。 委員會所得的捐款會先撥入「華人廟宇基金」,首要用於維修轄下廟宇及舉辦傳統儀式等,盈餘則可撥入「華人慈善基金」作慈善用途。

  5. The temple was built in 1873 for commemorating Tin Hau (天后). Not long after its completion, Hong Kong was hit by a severe typhoon and the Temple was ruined by the typhoon but the damage to Shau Kei Wan was the least among various districts in Hong Kong. Locals believed that they were protected by the Tin Hau and decided to rebuild the temple. Opening Hours : 8:00am to 5:00pm daily ...

  6. Administered Temples. Tin Hau Temple, Joss House Bay, Sai Kung. Temples . Tin Hau Temple, Joss House Bay, Sai Kung was protected as Declared Monument, the temple was built around 1266. This is the oldest and the largest Tin Hau Temple in Hong Kong which earns itself the name of "the Big Temple"

  7. 香港仔天后古廟,又稱石排灣天后古廟,屬三級歷史建築。本廟原處海邊,但因填海關係,現已遠離海邊,被繁囂街道包圍。 據廟內咸豐元年(1851年)對聯推算,廟宇至少有170多年歷史,由當地坊眾及漁民集資興建。

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